Hobart M. Clarque



4 years, 6 months ago


Hobart Marklyn Clarque was born on Febuary 23rd, 1995 in Manhattan Beach, South Dakota, the third child to his parents Henry Clarque and Linda Clarque-Holborn. He has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.

Hobart, although very book smart, is kind of stupid. He trips up stairs, sometimes loses track of what he's doing halfway into a task, and knows what he's talking about but forgets a word, leading to minute-long ramblings where he gradually approaches what he means until someone else names it. He tends to clarify directions, and learns best by doing things. His biggest motivator is his fear of failure; he's a people pleaser and a perfectionist. Hobart is kind of bashful, introverted, and awkward. He tends to avoid crowds unless he feels like he has to deal with them. If you can get him on the right subject, he'll talk to you for hours! He also can sometimes be a little shit, telling puns or using his very sarcastic sense of humor. 

Hobart is pansexual, and tends to be the little spoon. He's also fond of inflatables and body pillows. He tends to keep his hair somewhat messy and doesn't pay much attention to it, though he's been known to sport a bowl cut every once in a while.

Hobart is a skilled trombonist, bass trombonist, plays baritone alright, and plays trumpet if he has to. He actually made it to all-state on trombone. He can play tuba in a pinch, and composes jazz music on the side. He likes drawing, but he's not great at it. He knows a lot of useless information, and used to bowl but wasn't great at it. He also has no depth perception. In his free time, Hobart likes Dungeons and Dragons, and other role playing games, and plays Pokemon casually.