
4 years, 5 months ago


Name Xander
Age 900
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Species Irken
Designer Galactickarma
Value info
Status Alive
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       Xander was created by the Lunar Society, a mix of random DNA in a vat that produces smeets to serve the colony. He dedicated his life to all physical sciences and began work at a very young age. He eventually studied Earth and became infatuated with the concept of family and parenthood. Irkens don't have families, no one is related or in a relationship in the Queen's colonies. Xander decided it was time to experiment when he finally became an adult.

Using his DNA, and a stolen incubation chamber, he created Mip, his daughter. He later experimented on her, which he regrets, not understanding the full concepts of what a child is for. He keeps it secret from her and tells her that her moth-mutations are from an accident she caused. Unannounced to Xander, this really takes a toll on Mip, and her self-worth is tarnished in her eyes.

Xander caught the attention of Queen, who he had an extreme interest in. The Queen was an enigma, a god. She never grew old. The Queen ordered him to live on Earth and study families and learn how they work, encouraging his interests in having his own family.

He later created a 'brother' for Mip, a SIR unit he calls 'son' and only son.


  • The mechanical box on his chest is a control panel he uses to control everything. He has connected it to Mip's Pak, and son's motherboard. He can shut them down or paralyze them if he desires. He uses this to keep Mip from running away from him or to control Son whenever he needs an assistant.
  • He can't grasp that he needs to nurture his children. He expects everything to work like a machine, and since it doesn't work like he wants it, he constantly says that Mip needs correcting, or his son is defective and other insensitive things. 
  • He works at Membrane Labs disguised as a human.
  • He has royally screwed up his own biology. In an experiment-gone-wrong, he lost control over the thought of augmenting his body to become more desirable to the Queen, (Who he believes is his god, and treats her as so.) In reality, he has accidentally set a slow, vile transformation into motion. This will slowly deteriorate his appearance and mental state until he becomes a reptilian/insectoid beast. His control panel allows him to be in control most of the time. Whenever he thinks he's going to lose it he shuts his body down.
  • He keeps this secret from his children, afraid of tarnishing his reputation and disappointing the Queen.
  • He has a long, reptilian tail he wraps around his left leg, hiding it from view, this has given him a small limp.
  • He has a long scar across his forehead, and around his left eye, this was self-inflicted during experimentation.