



Elijah Françis

 Called Eli
 Gender Male
 Pronouns he.him
 Sexuality Demisexual
 Age 31|January 1st
 From Haiti
 Role Manager
HTML Pinky


Height 5'9ft|175.3cm
Build slim rectangle
Eyes olive lime green
Skin Tone Dark complextion
Hair Color deep blue
Hair Style big long locks
Demeanor Resposnible and aloof


  • Has moles all over his body.
  • Has long bottom lashes.
  • Can style his locks in many different ways.
  • Hair reaches middle of his back.


Friendly Reserved

Polite Blunt

Clever Foolish

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Careful Reckless

Sincere Deceptive

Diligent Lazy

Calm Irritable

Humorous Serious

Elijah is a very reserved person and is very hard to read. And that isn't just because of his face being blank 24/7 despite feeling otherwise inside. He is always willing to help if needed and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty. That's mostly because of how his parents raised him. They were very strict and get on his nerves most of the time but he had learned to not show any signs of disapproval or he was gonna take one fat beating.



He likes the sound of nothing so he can think clearly and relax.


List Since he was an only child, he learned how to cook.When his mom couldn't make it home in time to cook, it was relaxing to cook on his own.


Just a flower he enjoyed seing from back home..

His Mom

He got most of his raising from his mom and they are very similar in many ways. He mostly enjoys the times they just sit in silence together.


Impatient Ppl

He only has so much patience to go around. If someone keeps on pestering him, it will be really hard for him to stay calm but he does.

Large messes

List something they dislike then give a small description about it/why they like it.


He just hates how basic it is.

Staying up late

This man physically can't stay up late. Anything past 8PM is a no go. but since Avi has shows in the later of the nights, he has to fight off his sleep to stay up and support him.



Can't stay up past 8pm

Like mentioned before, this man can't stay up late.He needs to be sound alseep and tucked by 9pm the latest. To stay up, he has to cosume tons of caffine.

Very organized

He needs to be able to know where everything he owns or use at all times. So he makes a sytem so that it makes it easy to acess his things. Thought lots of people may think he takes it a bit far.

always on time

Unlike his Haitian culture, Elijah makes sure to be early at any gathering he goes to.On time is the bare minimum for me. He doesn't like the ideas of making others wait.

Struggles with relationships

Lots of his ex-girlfriends had an issue with his lack of expression and often thought that Elijah was just tolerating him. He is also not very expressive with words so miscommunications are bound to happen.


        Elijah is from Haiti and pure blood. But he didn't stay long after birth. When he was younger, his father got a good ambassador position in Dubai and had to move away from his family to an unknown land. He didn't know the language and was alone but he was able to adapt easily. Luckily with his parents around and being an only child, he was able to keep his Haitian culture strongly. As well as entering schools in early elementary, he adapted very well and was well-liked by many. Apte-re

As the years passed, he became close with a red-headed family and became part of the head of the student government. He is still very quiet and only hangs out mostly with Ava with Avi tagging along. As an adult, he is very independent and doesn't have many people he keeps in contact with. He was raised as an only child so he doesn't mind being alone. Even for relationships, he wasn't very clingy and didn't depend on others as much as people depend on him.

Avi and Ava

Ava is Avi's big sister and his best friend. When he moved from Haiti to Dubai, she was the first person to approach him despite a heavy language barrier.She introduced him to her family and helped him learn the language. Ever since then, they have been very close with one another. He also became close with her little brother, Avi. He always looked at Eli with big curious eyes and thought it would be fun to play around with him.





Avi Diskar

 His Boss

as known him since he was little and was concerned for his well-being. Although he can piss Eli off by being so carefree, he genuinely care for him :,)


Rae Eva

 Annoying Intern

an intern that wrote in for a job and is really butty in his relationship and easily pisses him off.


Ava Diskar

 Childhood best friend

Were very close with each other in high school but don't know each other deeply. Caught up in their later years and get a stable friendship.