


4 years, 5 months ago


Basic Details
Name: Squirrelkit
Gender: DFAB

Sexuality: Pansexual

Breed: American Shorthair x Calico x American Ringtail x Australian Mist x Tuxedo

Personality Traits
Kind - Confident - Considerate - Emotional - Sassy - Bossy - Vain - Dishonest
A kind young she-cat with an air of confidence about her that she carries into every new interaction. She has a tendency to become easily emotionally invested in others and forms strong connections with her family members and friends. That being said she can come across as very bossy and isn't always honest with others.

* She tends to use gender-neutral pronouns by default, seeing the use of a pronoun as a sign of familiarity she has to earn.
* She's an identical triplet
* She really likes her sister Ivykit's name, and will often 'borrow' it for introductions - she justifies this by reasoning that as they look alike their names are probably interchangeable, and she just prefers her sister's name.
* As a note to myself: Squirrelkit is a locked character and cannot be used again.
Canonically Recognised Family
Father: Sleetstorm
Mother: Sunflowerwish
Brothers: None
Sisters: Ivykit, Stormkit

Uncles: Speckledbug, Sootstain, Springthorn, Swiftfoot | Pumpkinscratch, Cherryhaze, Hiddengaze 
Aunt: Dovefall, Timidbreeze | Juniperleaf, Carameldrizzle, Viperstrike

1st Cousins: Flickerpaw, Bonepaw, Bravepaw, Pinepaw, Honeydust, Beespring, Littleswan, Wobbletrackes, Luckytoes, Drizzlepaw, Hemlockpaw, Lushpaw, Vixenfire, Morningfrost, Falconscreech, Scalewing, Thymestep, Windcrest, Silkleaf

Grandmothers: Bravenight | Scorpionfang
Grandfathers: Softclaw | Marigoldflame