SmokeScreen | 15$'s Comments

Any of my characters? (Only off-limits is dreamies)

I'm sorry, i'm only really looking for USD offers rn!

Heya, would u be interested in someone from either this account or _Trashmouth_Sales_ for this cutie,


Please make sure to read the tag guide in the welcome folder before taking a look around uwu 

In case u aren't interested, please reply to this comment regardless, just so I know that uve read it ♥️

Thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️♥️

I didn't see anyone in your sales account, and your main account confuses me to look around in, so i couldn't really get a good feel of where i was allowed to look and such, sorry!

Aw alright 

If u ever do want to take a look, just go to all characters and disable the tags "Sentimental", "Forever Mine" and "Off-Limit" ♥️

the only one i potentially saw was would you be interested in trading her for either Smokescreen or Mercury?

For smoky and Mercury or for smoky or Mercury..? c,:

Preferably one of them, since ruby only has that one art piece :0c

14 Replies