Ryo - dainty



7 years, 9 months ago


B a s i c  i n f o : 
Name: Ryo
Gender: Male
Age: 22-24
relationship status: married to work
height: 196cm (6'4'')
host: none and does not want one
Bodytype: j a c k e d
occupation: bodyguard of higher ups and debt collector + part time as a nutritionist. Boxing is a side thing. As many jobs at once as he can basically

A b o u t : 
Personality: ''Ryo is always collected and mature no matter the situation. A stern attitude, but gentle and loving when he needs to be. His admirable cleanlyness is rivaled only by his passion for health. He is respected and loved by all.'' ..Is probably how he'd describe himself. But this is more how he wants to be perceived rather than his actual personality. He tries very hard to be this person but sometimes a drastically more bratty Ryo makes an appearance.

Ryo always makes sure that he is prepared for any kind of situation. He takes notes for every little minor thing to an obsessive degree. Everything is planned out and done in perfect order. He feels he has no control of the sitution unless he's prepared. Spontaneous events are his least favourite thing in the world.

His obsession with doing things ''the best way'' leads to him taking on all the responsibility. He doesn't do well with group projects at all, as it isn't much of a ''group'' project and more of a ''ryo does everything'' kinda project. He simply can't relax and let others do things for him. it makes him uneasy.
Although he is quite the neat-freak, he's not very graceful. If he makes a sandwich, it'll turn out a bit.. rough looking.

He enjoys meddling in other peoples lives and giving them advice + helping with their bad habits. He will do this regarless if they requested for his advice or not. He hates talking about his own flaws however. Infact he's in denial about there even being flaws in the first place.

If someone gets on his nerves, his persona quickly falls apart. In reality he actually has quite the short temper. One minute he will act all calm and above it all, and the next he'll be clenching his jaw trying not to punch someones face in. Despite always commenting on other peoples bad manners, he wont hesitate to break all sorts of social norms if you really get on his nerves.

L i k e s :
-his calender with all the events and stuff he needs to do. is very busy
-weird health foods like those green smoothies that smell like ass. will obsess over health crazes.
-despite being a health nut his favourite foods are actually the most unhealthy types of food. He loooves junk food but avoids it like the plague. keeps it secret that he enjoys it since it ruins his ''image''.
-tries to eat vegetarian as much as he can but caves a lot since he loves meat...
-cooking but cannot cook without a recipe. needs clear instructions or he WILL fuck it up
-cleaning. it calms him down

D i s l i k e s :
-others doing things for him or helping him out with anything. he prefers shouldering everything.
-bratty people
-lazy people
-being teased
-being spontaneous

H i s t o r y : 
Dainty are very adaptable in terms of creating offspring that is suitable for any kind of situation or need, so Ryo was basically bred to be a strong big bodyguard. Doesn't know his parents or biological family.

O t h e r :
-tries to act classy and mature and not swear, but when angered his ''persona'' breaks.
-total workaholic. doesnt know what fun is. Will try to ruin others fun if its too loud or in the way.
-always remembers to put on sunscreen and to brush his teeth twice a day. self care is very important to him
-is a total cheapskate. will do anything not to spend money

notes about his design:
-he has an edgy scar on his left eye
-He doesn't always have all the piercings in but theyre always symmetrical. never more on one side of the face.
-jacket is a shoulder jacket most of the time, but he can also be drawn wearing it or without it
-don't worry about getting all the colors perfectly right i know the palette is a mess lol