Daisuke Sasaki



4 years, 6 months ago



NameDaisuke Sasaki
Called Dai or Melee Moon
Age 15
Gender male
Height 5'8
BuilDMuscular and small waist
RaceJapanese and Mexican
RoleStudent and major character


A student that attends a university in South Korea for wielding powers or finding one for yourself.

The university was created after the legendary Dae-Hyung. He was the first ever person to have a special power, and he had the world in peace for the time he was alive. He told that 

"The thing that made me powerful is hard work and love. Without those two things, you can never use your true powers, your most strongest. Each one of us has a power in us. You just have to find it." 

This sparked many people into joining academies and other schools that trained you to find your power. That is, they think you have a power inside of you. 

This just, totally made Daisuke go nuts with trying to find his power. He had such a positive outlook that he was going to change the world. The only thing he didn't realize was that some people didn't want peace, some wanted to steal powers from others to rule the world. He didn't know that the people who sit within his classroom might just be the ones who would gain control of others. But he still went on. 

At the age of 9, he found his power at midnight. Powers are sparked inside of a person for a reason, and for Daisuke it was a child who was about to be kidnapped from the sidewalk into an alleyway. When the moon shone on him it transformed him into a demon/wolf thing ( still working on the design of this other form ) and he bit that bitches ass and saved that kid. Nice 

So finally, after many years of going cuckoo for Coco puffs trying to find his power 

H e w a s m o r e d e t e r m i n e d t h a n e v e r

So, for the next three years, he has woke up everyday for this school, studying hard and fighting hard, and that ended him up in the elite classes! The class is fairly small, only with 15 students, so it's a really special place to be in the school. 

Daisuke is a pretty likeable student at the University. He's easy to get along with, and he likes bringing people up to be happier. Although, he does get played with by some punk students, usually the more powerful ones. He has a lot of bandages on himself from many of these fights with more older students, like the one on his cheek. It makes him scared, but he knows if he's going to be powerful, he's going to have to go to this university. 

His main friends are Kioshi and Arianna. 

Kioshi is quiet and clever, and Arianna is just a good role model for her strength and passion, but then the fact that she has been at this university for over 6 years and hasn't found any type of power within her whichhhh kind of makes it ironic. Arianna even though not being quite nice, a bully herself Actually, she usually stands up for Daisuke if he ends up getting beat up. 

Kioshi however, is just in most of his classes and Daisuke's talkative ass manages him to say couple words. 


MBTI content
AlignmEnt Chaotic sweet
Sun: Leo Moon: Pisces

Flower Rose

Element Dark and Light



  • Fighting
  • Dancing and singing
  • Being with friends
  • Chicken 🍗
  • Winning


  • Friends being sad
  • Salty foods
  • Villains
  • The dark
  • Being uncomfortable


  • Daisuke has sharp teeth due to his powers, at night he can transform into a wolf, but he was little when he found out he could mutate, so it pushed out his baby teeth to give him sharper ones
  • Arianna gave him the name Pomeranian Because of his fluffy hair, he actually likes the name
  • He's actually really strong, but he has bad doubt issues




"If you do" by GOT7
"Tongue Tied" by GROUPLOVE

"Walking On A Dream" by Empire of The Sun
 "Thriller" by Michael Jackson
"Riptide" by Vance Joy
