Rita Tachikawa



4 years, 6 months ago


Rita Tachikawa

Name Rita Tachikawa - 太刀川リタ
Age Tri -16 Kizuna- 21
Gender Female
Race Half Japanese, half European
Role Digidestined
Theme 夜の国


  • Sweets
  • Animals
  • Singing/music in general
  • Looking out at the ocean


  • Crowds
  • Thunder storms
  • People who lie
  • Really hot weather

Crest Of Compassion


Name: Rita Tachikawa
Age: 16 (Tri start)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birth Date: November 16th
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Love Interest: Izzy (Koushiro) Izumi


Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 160 cm (5'3'')
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Distinguishing Features: Pretty face, hair to shoulders, bangs
Health Status: Fair, doesn't do well in the heat


✦ High School Student (Tri)
✦ Small time idol (singing)
✦ English teacher at Tokyo University (Kizuna)
✦ Digidestined, holder of the crest of compassion


Strengths: Compassionate, gentle, loving, intelligent, passionate
Weakness: Stamina, dense, self-sacrificing, lack of confidence

Personality: Rita is a gentle spirit. She tries her hardest to see the best in people, even if she has been hurt by them. She is naturally self-sacrificing, unfortunately in doing so she has hurt people who care deeply for her. Despite what people tell her, Rita doesn't have much confidence in herself, and her anxiety can get rather high at times. She cries easy, but does her best not to do it in front of people as to not worry them. Rita is extremely compassionate; she feels another’s pain easily. Unfortunately, this weighs on her, making her emotionally fragile. Rita does her best to be as upbeat as possible, trying to be like her cousin Mimi. Even if she is emotional, Rita is also very logical and a realist. At times she has trouble deciding what is right. At the end of the day what's most important to her is that the people she loves are happy, even if it means Rita has to sacrifice her happiness. Rita loves music, loves to sing, and has always wanted to perform in front of people. She only gained the confidence to do so after meeting Izzy. Since Rita is originally from Canada, she is fluent in English, something she actually has confidence in. Eventually she decides she wants to be an English professor in Tokyo and spend her life in Japan with Izzy.


In the summer of the year 2000, Rita met her Digimon partner when she emerged from her computer. After bonding and spending the summer together, Mikumon had to return to the Digital World. Heartbroken, Rita and Mikumon both waited for the day when they would be reunited. Rita grew up very close to her parents, so when her parents got divorced it shattered her world. Rita wasn't sure where she belonged, however, she no longer felt Canada to be her home. Being half Japanese, Rita always had a strong desire to go to Japan. When her cousin Mimi was to move back for high school due to her father relocating once more, Rita was invited to stay with them. This being a perfect opportunity for Rita to grow and get some space from her controlling mother. Rita was a rather reckless child growing up. She didn’t always think things through. For example, the time she helped a baby bird return to its nest in the tree. Rita didn’t consider the risk to herself, even with having no experience climbing. She succeeded in returning the bird to its family. However, she fractured her ankle falling out of the tree. Rita always excelled in music, even though it took her a long time to be able to read music.


Rita’s childhood had no particular “tragedy” per say. The things that affected her most were having a controlling and narcissistic mother, as well as her parent’s divorce. Having to say goodbye to Mikumon as a kid was also had, but she knew that one day they would reunite.


✦ Mimi Tachikawa (Cousin and close friend)
✦ Father (Quite close, she has a lot of respect for him)
✦ Mother (Overprotective, Rita doesn’t share much with her out of concern)
✦ Riri (Pet cat who passed away)
✦ Mimi’s Father - Uncle (Brother of Rita’s father)
✦ Mimi’s Mother – Aunt

Financial Status: Financially secure

Rita’s Father: Despite Rita moving to Japan, she still phones her father every day (if she can.) He is someone that Rita loves and respects. If she has some sort of problem, he is always there to help. Unlike her mother, Rita’s father has a lot of faith and trusts her completely. He knows what Rita can be like, and even though he can worry, he doesn't treat her like a child.

Rita’s Mother: Rita’s mother is overbearing and controlling. She likes to know everything going on in Rita’s life. As Rita got older, she tried to grow apart from her mother. Another reason she decided it was a good idea to go to Japan with Mimi. She wanted to be her own person, not live a life that her mother decided for her.

Mimi Tachikawa: Not only is Mimi Rita’s cousin, but she is also her closest human friend. Ever since Rita was young, she looked up to Mimi, admiring her for her confidence and pure heart. Although Mimi can do things from time to time that irritate Rita, and the two don’t always see eye to eye; Rita loves Mimi just as she is. The two become incredibly close once Rita moves to Odaiba with Mimi and her parents. Mimi is one person that Rita trusts with her very being. She would do anything for her, even sacrifice her own happiness. Mimi is a good for Rita also because she can and will call her out on her actions, showing that even being selfless can be selfish.

✦Mikumon(OC): Mikumon is Rita’s Digimon partner, and best friend. The two share a lot of trust and Mikumon is always there to show Rita love and support. The two would do anything for the other, sometimes sharing the same flaw of not noticing when they worry others. Mikumon tries to show Rita prospective, especially when it came to Rita’s relationship with Izzy. More than anyone, Mikumon knows how stubborn Rita can be. Compared to the other Digimon partners, Mikumon is quite mature. Being rather intelligent and intuitive. She is very sensitive, but unfortunately worries the most out of them as well.

✦Tentomon: Rita ends up becoming very close with Tenotomon during the events of Tri. Due to Rita and Izzy’s friendship/romance, the two have spent a great deal of time together. Tentomon believes with his whole heart that Rita is the best person in the world for Izzy. He loves how loving she is, and also the fact she adores Izzy with her very being. She is also good at keeping Izzy in line, and is the only person that Izzy will actually listen to when he gets caught up in his computer work. Tentomon, being rather intelligent, instantly picks up on the romantic vibes between Rita and Izzy. He doesn't hold back about his thoughts and does what he can to nudge both down the right path.

✦Sora Takenouchi: Sora is another one of Rita’s closes friends. Like Rita, she is self-sacrificing and always there to listen and help with a friend’s problems. Rita doesn’t like burdening her, because she knows how much she takes on with everyone’s feelings as is. So even as much as she wanted to talk to her about her feelings for Izzy during the incident of the infected Digimon, Rita held back, because during this time they were all suffering so much as is. Now the two are very close again. They love discussing fashion, together with Mimi, all of them have rather different tastes.

✦Tai Kamiya: Tai ends up being another person that Rita is close to. Since he is someone that Izzy also considers to be one of his closest friends. Tai is refreshing to be around, he is very warm and even though can be rather dense, just a fun person to be with. Rita has a lot of respect for him as the Digidestined leader, she knows he has had to make hard decisions in the past to keep everyone safe and do what was best for the fate of the world.

✦Matt Ishida: Although Matt seems hard to approach, Rita ends up becoming quite close to him as well. They both share a love of music, and Matt even helped Rita with her very first performance. Having him help her through the process was a blessing. Rita was always terrified of taking that step with her music career. Rita thinks Matt is really cool and loves his music.

✦Meiko Mochizuki: Rita and Meiko become close friends during their 1st year of high school. It broke Rita’s heart when Meiccomon was destroyed and Meiko had to move away once more. Even though they don't get to see each other much anymore, Rita always keeps contact, sending her messages whenever she has a chance to. Rita wants to make sure that bond of friendship never disappears.

✦Palmon: Palmon and Rita have a good understanding of each other’s personalities. They both adore Mimi and would do anything for her. Sometimes they go to each other when Mimi is struggling and they don't know how to get across to her how they fee.

✦Kari Kamiya: Kari and Rita get along well. They both have a caring presence and are very sensitive to darkness. The two often go out for sweets together, enjoying the other’s company.

✦TK Takaishi: TK is rather nosey and forward. He enjoys getting a rise out of Rita, especially when the conversation involves Izzy. TK is very supportive of their relationship and is someone that Izzy goes to often for advice.

✦Joe Kido: Joe is always busy so Rita hasn’t spent much time with him compared to the other Digidestined. Still, Rita respects how hard he works to become a doctor, knowing it’s not an easy task. Rita finds him reassuring to have around since he is always prepared for anything.

Love Interest:
✦Izzy Izumi: When Rita first became friends with Izzy, she was helping him with his crush on Mimi. It didn’t take long for feelings bloom on both ends. However, both not having much confidence in this area, plus other circumstances, they both kept their feelings quiet as long as they could, for the sake of the other. Rita enjoys watching over Izzy as he works, and Izzy too enjoys listening to Rita sing and play guitar. Both are highly intelligent, though in different ways. They are a good balance, Rita helps get Izzy outside and socializing, while Izzy provides a safe comfort haven for Rita. Despite their differences, they balance well and truly love each other. They both consider the other to be absolutely amazing, like a dazzling light, ironically both finding themselves to be nothing special. Rita trusts Izzy with her whole heart and has proven that she would sacrifice her life for his. After meeting him, Rita found a dream for the future. As long as she can remain by his side, she would be happy. Rita enjoys getting a rise out of Izzy, since he gets embarrassed easy. She is completely amazed by what he is capable of. Only wishing he saw himself in the same light that she sees him.

Other Facts:

- Has a beautiful voice
- Doesn't like attention
- Loves when it’s snowing
- Somewhat clumsy
- Loves many types of music
- Wishes she understood computers better
- For some reason has a hard time keeping plants alive
- Is a vegetarian
- Loves Japan and its people!

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