Azjahn Siiad



4 years, 5 months ago



Azjahn Siiad
Young Adult


Many quaggan villages across Tyria have reported a strange dark figure lurking some distance from their villages, and even occasionally helping them against attackers. Rumours of an elusive shadow haunting beaches with an aura of discordant harp music have been accompanied by accounts of brutal assassinations nearby.


Azjahn is almost always wearing black armour well fitted enough not to hide his slim but wiry frame, with simple and sharp metallic motifs decorating it. His belt, legs and wrists house a number of swords and daggers, some partially concealed and others in plain sight. His belt also has an old, poorly kept harp hanging from it.

Azjahn’s face is normally hidden by a metal black mask, with large, dark circles hiding his eyes beneath. Above the mask he has a messy nest of vibrant white hair, often vaguely swept back to keep it from flopping over his eyes. What little of his skin is visible is a light powder blue.

Large, wing-like black largos fins protrude from his back, a little too big for his below average height, making him often appear slightly awkward and unwieldy when on land. The lines from the underside glow a vibrant blue, and the same glow may be seen in streaks on his arms when visible.


Azjahn is a generally well meaning and unassuming person. As a general rule, he likes to be left alone and will rarely be the one to initiate conversation, though if someone does he’ll tend to be amiable, if a little suspicious and stand-offish – especially if approached by someone who isn’t a largos. That said, whereas most largos avoid the surface races unless for a hunt, Azjahn is an inquisitive person who is interested by the other Tyrian races, and often spends time secretly observing them from afar. If one does manage to get on the wrong side of him, he can be quite petty and is known to hold grudges long past when a reasonable person would. As with most largos, acting with honour is incredibly important to him, and bringing dishonour to his House is one of his greatest fears. He is always vigilant in paying his debts and never showing mercy to a hunt.

Notable Relationships

Azjahn doesn’t have too many close friends but, despite interacting with them as little as possible, has grown somewhat protective of many of the quaggan villages he passes as he goes about his business, often stopping to aid with krait attacks.


Azjahn was a very small child and often seen as a runt by peers and adults. It was never expected for much to become of him, but he never allowed himself to give up. He trained hard and, despite never becoming exceptional among his people, surprised many who doubted him. Though his peers still had enough reason to poke fun, the older he got then the more he could hold his own.

When he came of age, he jumped at the chance to head out on his own and explore the world, accepting hunts from his House, eager to observe the strange world of the surface dwellers.


Azjahn is very dexteritous and athletic, with a talent for sneaking, shadow magic and blades. A life of training has made him formidable with a sharp implement in his hands.


He is physically weaker than most largos due to his size, and a sensitivity about his height means that he can be easy to goad into unwise situations. While neither stupid nor overly intelligent, he has trouble coming up with plans more complex than “find it and stab it.”

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