🥀 Theodore 🥀's Comments

Can you lmk if the offer falls through

Hi, I'm not very active on the al and friends account anymore, but yeah whoever offered on Theo they fell off the face of the Earth or something after some time 😅

I'm assuming you want him back? Sorry I didn't end up drawing/using him despite my initial excitement, my skills weren't (and still aren't) up to par to draw him correctly, so if you want him back I'll be glad to return him home ^^

It is all good!! And yeah I been missing him so much since I’ve given him away ahhh would be glad to trade them if you see anyone in this folder that you would want to trade them for  https://toyhou.se/WormGummie/characters/folder:2126487

Aw okay, I know that feeling way too well, so I won't be difficult 😅

How about Theo for just Mr. Easy? ^^

Yeah that works I’ll send em over :D thankyou so much

No problem, and thank you! I hope your reconnection goes swimmingly ❤