


4 years, 6 months ago



Name: Jacques

Epithet: The Mafioso

Motifs: lanterns, pumpkins, city streets at night (esp alleyways)

Occupation:  Consigliere

Age: unknown, appears early to mid 20s


For the longest time, Jacques has been alone. He never knew his parents, and there was never a mentor figure in his life; he was left to fend for himself on the streets of the chaotic city he grudgingly called home. To survive, Jacques became skilled in thievery, but he was careful not to become greedier or fall into more serious crimes; he only targeted those who could afford the loss, those whose riches came from questionable areas, so that his victims would never go after him. Initially, Jacques only cared about his own wellbeing, but occasionally took pity on others who were in similar upbringings as him.

At some point, Jacques pickpocketed a lighter with an odd design; when using it he accidentally released a trapped will-o-wisp. As a token of gratitude, it granted Jacques the ability to manipulate fire. Even though Jacques rarely used his abilities, word spread fast among those living in the slums. Jacques already had a bit of a reputation as a “gentleman thief,” but with his new power Jacques was put on a pseudo-mythical pedestal, and his family of thieves grew to size where Jacques could no longer control them. Those with even minor amounts of connection started to wreak havoc in Jacques’ name, and this unfortunately caught the attention of three mafia families of the city.

Once they were targeted, the little thieves’ guild was almost immediately wiped, until only Jacques and a few of his original members remained. Out of desperation, Jacques made a deal with the underboss of one of the families. He spared the remaining members of Jacques’ family and in exchange, Jacques was forced to join the mafia. Under the underboss, Jacques was able to learn how to use his powers more efficiently as well as how to use a gun, which he both became quickly adept at. He climbed the mafia ranking relatively quickly and soon became the underboss’s right-hand man.


At the very core, his powers are based off of fire manipulation, but Jacques cannot conjure a fire out of nothingness; he needs a starting flame or at the very least, flammable material to create a flame, which is why he always has lighters or matches on him. From there, he can control the fire telepathically, whether it be attacking enemies or as a defensive wall. However, Jacques only uses fire manipulation if he’s backed into a corner, and thus spends most of his time honing the more practical aspects of his ability rather than offensive attacks. He is able to control the temperature of the flames, and has no trouble melting metal or even evaporating small quantities of water. Technically speaking Jacques can be burned, but he is skilled enough where repelling flames is as easy and involuntary as breathing. As a former pickpocket, Jacques is quite adept with his hands, but is also skilled at parkour for running away. His weapon of choice is still a handgun like the rest of the mafia.


Has the air of a suave gentleman around him but actually quite mischievous. Acts nonchalant and seems unreliable on the outside but this is just a front he puts on to the rest of the mafia. Absolutely despises unnecessary killing, and makes a point to do it as painlessly as possible. Very quick-witted, but has no ambition and hates responsibility and leadership (although the latter always find him somehow). Tries to convince himself that he’s content with his current life in the mafia but sometimes he misses the days where he was just a solitary thief.