


tiny caramelized lilac tabby point molly with white paws and ocean-blue eyes.

( rabbit hearted )

gender cis molly
pronouns she / her
age 18 | 1.5 yrs
sexuality lesbian
rank warrior
residence FrostClan
Voice Claim


after her milky colored fur


for her open kindness

Dawnsky is a tiny lilac-based caramel tabby point munchkin with extremely soft and fluffy milky-cream fur. She has triangular tufted ears, small fuzzy paws, and a long, thick tail that is prone to matting if not cared for properly. Her eyes, large and rounded, are a bright-ocean blue. Her fluff makes her appear heavier than she is, however she is still on the chubbier side in her lower belly.

Because of her stubby legs and size, Dawnsky makes a miserable fighter and much prefers to hunt over having to do battle. Due to this she has trained extra hard at agility and defensive maneuvers to make up for her lack of physical prowess, and she can easily keep pace with the best runners in the mountain and has a knack for slipping out of dire situations.

you are an ocean of waves.

Born sickly as the runt of the litter with a poor immune system, Dawnsky was left much weaker than her fellow clanmates thanks to early illnesses that stunted her growth. Being related to Echostar was the saving grace of her kithood, as it meant all efforts were given to keep her alive.

As a result she became a bit outcasted as some cats who believed that she wouldn't live to see her apprenticeship thought she was a waste of resources during a time when sickness was spreading in FrostClan, and in the end she was only apprenticed alongside her littermates out of family obligation as by all accounts Dawnsky truly was not strong enough to start her warrior training at six moons.


( )

0:00 4:58
I wish the dawn will come
Know the hopes in there
Please don't be scared

  • pine scent
  • family
  • watching the sunrirse

  • deep water
  • blizzards
  • being left behind

( Personality )


Best described as a ball of anxiety, Dawnksky is an insecure and soft-spoken cat in her day-to-day life. Her biggest fault is bottling all of herself up — from her thoughts to her feelings — everything. And eventually when this reaches a breaking point she lashes out in an explosion of emotions, where afterwards she will isolate herself rather than face the unfortunate cat or cats she unloaded on.

She fears that the judgment from her youth follows her and refuses to open up to prevent herself from seeming weak. However she is very empathetic towards others and is kind by nature, she just holds herself back from allowing anyone else to extend the same courtesy. Typically her face gives herself away anyway, though, as her expressive disposition betrays her true inner feelings.

With her sisters she is carefree and silly. For her parents, moreso her mother Winterheart, she allows them to be the only ones privy to her inner worries. And sometimes to her closest friends she will eventually be vulnerable enough to open herself up to recuperate the honesty she receives.

for you and i are fragile things.
Into The Deep

act one
i must become a lion-hearted girl.

Born as kin to the prominent leader of FrostClan, Dawnkit has felt the weight of her family's legacy since the moment she opened her eyes. Grand things seemed expected of her and her littermates, however life decided on a different plan for Dawnkit and she spent her early life rushed in and out of the apothacary as sickness ravagaed for frail body. Diagnosed with a poor immune system, every little cough and fever nearly ended her short life.

Later on after Sunstep's father left without a word and Dawnpaw has failed her assessment, Sunstep prompts the idea that they can beat the spirit if they confront it together, and that Dawnpaw will have to be awarded her warrior name. However in the end the plan completely fails, and as punishment for Dawnpaw's defiance, the Deep physically takes sunstep prisoner into the domain it inhabits.

act two

Lost in Twilight
Dawnsky's corruption.
i will softly pull away in this broken beautiful mess i've made.

Morbi ipsum lacus, laoreet sit amet volutpat vitae, commodo ut dolor. Nunc lacinia lacus ac libero laoreet pellentesque. In pretium sapien quam, vel placerat velit tristique vitae. Nullam laoreet a leo sit amet lobortis. Vivamus mattis lorem ut varius luctus. Aliquam vitae tortor massa. Morbi convallis neque nec ultricies bibendum. Fusce eu lorem risus. Integer quam purus, ultrices vitae erat at, convallis ultricies massa. Vestibulum sed consectetur arcu. Fusce fringilla gravida accumsan. Ut lobortis quam nec massa congue, et semper est rhoncus. Aliquam eleifend euismod erat ac malesuada. Nunc bibendum lorem massa, sit amet hendrerit sapien semper id. Curabitur iaculis nisl in enim pharetra, venenatis faucibus velit accumsan.

Suspendisse a odio ac leo tincidunt cursus nec in lorem. Phasellus at lorem mauris. Suspendisse mollis odio id urna iaculis tincidunt. Sed molestie felis id accumsan accumsan. Quisque vulputate laoreet faucibus. Ut augue nulla, laoreet vel aliquam eget, lobortis et eros. Suspendisse risus augue, fringilla vitae quam vestibulum, elementum ullamcorper justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in risus commodo enim pretium rutrum eu at turpis. Ut nibh neque, tincidunt ut mauris eget, pretium eleifend lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque nec dolor sodales, accumsan lacus luctus, laoreet turpis. Ut accumsan diam ipsum, quis convallis quam porta ut. Suspendisse accumsan commodo sem.

Etiam placerat eros eget scelerisque tristique. Integer pulvinar semper mauris, eget rutrum justo accumsan eu. Sed ultricies sollicitudin aliquam. Pellentesque luctus ligula turpis, in accumsan libero faucibus in. Nulla sem ipsum, placerat in fringilla nec, consectetur vitae felis. Mauris bibendum pretium ante. Vestibulum dignissim eros nec elementum malesuada. Donec ac arcu turpis. Praesent ultrices, felis vel sollicitudin varius, nisl velit euismod purus, vitae scelerisque arcu elit sit amet libero.

Dawn Has Come

act three
i know i'll wither, so peel away the bark.

Suspendisse accumsan erat eget elit fringilla, feugiat placerat enim pharetra. Sed in malesuada ex, vel congue orci. Curabitur lacinia imperdiet odio, et maximus nisl semper blandit. Aliquam lobortis risus at ex sagittis, vel tristique augue rhoncus. Nunc sit amet ultricies sapien. Praesent eget sem quis ipsum tincidunt gravida eu vitae odio. Praesent commodo ipsum augue, at aliquet eros pharetra id. Maecenas ac sodales odio, non facilisis quam. Sed commodo dui vel sapien feugiat, vel malesuada ipsum egestas. Proin maximus leo sem, et imperdiet dolor porta non. Quisque mattis auctor felis, et dictum sem feugiat id. Aenean ex quam, tempor id velit volutpat, pretium maximus mauris. Vivamus non turpis tristique, lobortis metus quis, tincidunt dui. Fusce vulputate, massa ac sagittis pellentesque, nibh nibh vestibulum libero, hendrerit tempus ex nulla eleifend odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In rhoncus ut felis eget pretium. Cras interdum risus vitae pellentesque sagittis. Nunc at sem neque. Duis pretium diam et maximus suscipit. Nullam cursus fringilla orci sed euismod. Integer in nulla consectetur ipsum finibus hendrerit. Morbi vestibulum viverra metus, et bibendum risus scelerisque vel. Nam ultricies dignissim ante in mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras rutrum lectus quis arcu interdum mattis.

best friend / love interest

( I'm just a heartbeat away )

"Now that you're near to me . . ."
". . . I promise that I'll never let you go."


Her best friend in the entire world. During Dawnkit's quarantine in the apothecary, Sunkit would frequently sneak in out of curiosity and the two quickly became friends even with Sunkit constantly getting chased out. Being the first cat who she grew close to outside of family, Dawnsky was completely enamored by Sunstep, and as their friendship progressed she often felt that she wasn't 'good enough' to receive as much attention as Sunstep gave her.

Once they began training together, mutual crushes arose despite Dawnpaw not immediately recognizing her romantic feelings towards Sunpaw, who hid her own crush out of personal reasons. Although they briefly grew apart while Sunpaw was being pressured more by her stepmother and Dawnpaw accidentally walked in on Wolfpaw confessing to her. Pulled deeper into her pact, the spirit taunted Dawnpaw as she tried to work through her confusing feelings until Sunpaw eventually confronted her and admitted to not being interested in Wolfpaw - who she was being set up with only to connect their families. With the misunderstanding cleared, the two were back on track of being best friends, however Dawnpaw was continuing to struggle with honesty about the Deep's influence over her.

During a family dispute involving Sunstep, unsaid feelings turned into words as Sunstep announced her intentions with Dawnpaw in front of the entire Clan. Afterwards Dawnpaw sort of confesses back and finally comes clean about her involvement with a dark spirit, so the relationship isn't fully pursued while Dawnpaw wrestles with her ordeal.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
friend / ex

( and i will hide you when it gets too much )

"I'm looking for affection in all the wrong places . . ."
". . . and we'll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces."


After enduring a traumatic ordeal together, Dawnsky and Breezestorm somehow became good friends despite the nature of the event. Breezestorm has always been a constant in her life and she found herself coming to rely on him even though they were from different Clans, and his bright personality often brings Dawnsky out of her gloomy days. She wonders sometimes what Breezestorm gets out of their friendship when she feels she barely offers him anything.

Following Breezestorm's exile from BlizzardClan, he and Dawnsky cross a line in the heat of confused passion when they bare their souls to each other after Dawnsky suffers a breakdown under the Deep's influence in front of him. Both sad and lonely over their loved ones, Dawnsky relishes in the comfort and attention that Breezestorm showers her in. However, Dawnsky ends up bottling a great deal of guilt as their relationship twists, but out of desperation of just wanting to be loved and needed by someone, she allows it to continue under false pretense.

Despite all of this, Dawnsky does care deeply for Breezestorm — she just cannot love him romantically. But she truly admires him and wishes to be someone he can rely on for support as well. Fortunately, it is through his encouragement that she is finally able to sever her pact with the spirit, although it comes at the cost of losing their kit when Dawnsky goes into labor in the middle of a blizzard on her way home. The death of their son is the turning point of their weird romance once Dawnsky becomes distant with Breezestorm and admits that she does not return the love that he has for her. Breezestorm doesn't feel angry, he just expresses that he is disappointed and hurt that Dawnsky wasn't honest and led him on. From then on, their relationship becomes awkward and they come to be barely on speaking terms.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Phasellus massa augue, sagittis ut volutpat at, vestibulum ac mauris. Sed sed lectus vel odio malesuada scelerisque vitae id neque. Etiam nisi nulla, sagittis laoreet dignissim ac, egestas non ipsum.


Phasellus massa augue, sagittis ut volutpat at, vestibulum ac mauris. Sed sed lectus vel odio malesuada scelerisque vitae id neque. Etiam nisi nulla, sagittis laoreet dignissim ac, egestas non ipsum.

close friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet molestie eros vitae luctus. Pellentesque condimentum enim ut sapien sollicitudin, sed porta metus pellentesque.