Maekawa Satsuki



4 years, 5 months ago



"Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always"


She who comforts the tired souls and protects those in need.

The second librarian of Fukuoka prefecture's library. Satsuki monitors the barrier that protects the entire library and acts as a shielder for writers during book delves. A natural born empath whose gentle demeanor puts everyone at ease. As a librarian who once lost all her writers in a massacre, Satsuki treasures the writers of Fukuoka library and is willing to protect them at all costs.

Satsuki has a big appetite and loves blueberry cheesecake. She is a fan of lolita fashion and skilled at dressmaking.


 yukito kisaragi colleague

They are on good terms except in the battlefield.


 sara friend

She has Sara's deepest sympathy for tolerating Yukito's troublesome nature.


 aoyagi shion friend

When they first met, her overly gentle demeanor made him uneasy as he thought it was deceitful.


 shiga naoya love interest

They are known as the library's Prince Charming and  Cinderella.


 sato haruo assistant writer

He knows about "The Niigata incident" and thus deeply cares for her as his student.


She seems to be very knowledgeable and respected.  

[Character belongs to Nicholas Huntington]

 nicknameTwinkle Little Satsu, Little star
 gender Female
 date of birth 2 July
 age 21
 height 175cm
 blood type B
 occupation Librarian | Alchemist (Healer type)
 affiliationFukuoka Library







 hair colorPurplish blue/Pastel blue
 eye colorAmber
 alchemist emblemStar irises
 fashion styleLolita

  • Has bob-length hair with 2 small top-knot buns
  • Her hair on the sides is slightly curled
  • Has freckles on her cheeks
  • A big fan of lolita fashion and is often seen in lolita dresses
  • Prefers frilly clothing items and dislikes sexy, revealing clothes
  • Is a bit shy in public and often avoids looking people in the eye

the star of salvation

The Star of Salvation takes the form of a small ring made of platinum with a star made of citrine. It was produced by Fukuoka library’s research and development team and given to Satsuki by the Chief Librarian when she was nominated as Fukuoka’s assistant librarian in order to deploy her alchemist abilities.


The basis of Satsuki’s alchemist technique is creating barriers to protect or capture the target(s) of choice. These barriers can often withstand physical and magical attacks. With the help of her weapon, Satsuki can strengthen her barriers to fight against stronger opponents and develop more advanced techniques based on the basic techniques.

A striking feature of Satsuki’s alchemist techniques is that she needs to cooperate with other people to activate her skills. Apart from the standard and forbidden techniques, all of Satsuki’s advanced techniques requires collaboration with her teammates, including ability users and writers.

1. standard technique: stymphalian cloak

The most basic technique used as both offense and defense. It creates an egg-shaped force field that can nullify any form of magical or even physical attacks. Using this technique, Satsuki can either protect or capture her target(s) of choice. A barrier with a defense purpose have a pastel blue color while the one used for offense is yellow. This technique can withstand the attacks of most tainted opponents and physical attacks from normal people; however, there are exceptions when people with special abilities can break the barriers using exceptional forces or other tricks to get through the barriers.

2. standard technique: the swiftlet's nest

A healing technique that can be applied to both physical and magical injuries. When using this technique, Satsuki creates a cocoon inside which her target(s) of choice are put on a rest and their injuries are healed. During this process, Satsuki uses a part of her biological energy to fuel for the cocoon. To ensure its user’s safety, this technique only consumes 30% of Satsuki’s energy at maximum. However, this technique cannot be used to heal fatal injuries or cure existing diseases.

3. collaboration technique: cradle of autumn water

This technique is activated in combination with Yukito’s ability to create paper planes to set up a large barrier surrounding Fukuoka library, protecting the entire library from taints. This barrier has higher durability than the standard barriers and consists of land-based aircrafts used to guard the library. Any taints trying to break through the barrier will be purified by the arranged paper planes. If there’s a trespasser, paper planes will notify the library members of trespasser so that actions can be taken.

Cradle of Autumn Water requires a small contribution of biological energy from both Satsuki and Yukito, which will be taken when they are asleep. However, Satsuki does put in more energy than her colleague since she understands that Yukito has poor health conditions.

4. collaboration technique: the cuckoo doesn't sing

This technique is a combination attack with Sara. The name is inspired by a poem from Oda Nobunaga:

鳴かぬなら、殺してしまえほととぎす (If the cuckoo doesn't sing, kill it)

When activated, the target of choice is trapped in a bird cage which is immediately engulfed in a giant red flame. The fire lasts for about 10 minutes and burns out all the tainted beings trapped inside the cage. Non-taint opponents are either burned alive or killed by smoke inhalation. Although Sara thinks Cuckoo is quite useful on the battlefield, Satsuki frowns upon its brutal nature so she has never used it to kill anyone. 

5. forbidden technique:
sky burial - a dark night's passing

“My stomach churned at the thought of eating up a human. I’ve witnessed enough deaths to know how it feels like when you lose a loved one, and I don’t want anyone to suffer from that. But as I mourn the deaths of my writers, I know that tragedy will repeat itself if nothing is done to stop the murderer. So I am willing to gobble up the pain to protect everyone”

This is the only non-collab alchemist technique that requires Satsuki to land a fatal blow on a non-taint opponent. Because Satsuki never kills a human, this technique is only used as the last resort when she is put in a “kill or be killed” situation. In fact, Satsuki has only used Sky Burial once in Alternative AU when she needed to defeat Lavender – the one who destroyed Niigata library and killed her writers. The technique’s name Sky Burial is inspired by Tibetan funeral practice of feeding the human corpses to birds; however, Satsuki renamed it after Shiga Naoya’s most famous novel – A dark night’s passing. As Shiga from the old library died protecting Satsuki from Lavender’s attack, she named her technique after her sensei’s novel as a commemoration and also, as a reminder for herself to avenge his death.

Activating Sky Burial does not require any support from other ability users. As Satsuki finishes her last line “Thanks for the meal”, a thousand threads evolve from the target’s body to form a round cocoon. Within minutes, the cocoon is transformed into a giant blue egg. Inside the egg, the target is converted into energy and consumed whole. Every single particle of the target's body will be accelerated to the point they are ripped apart, reduced to nothing and turned into energy. All other non-physical things, like thoughts, emotions, memories, even the soul itself of the target, will be converted into information, in the form of quantum information. The process of being turned into energy can be extremely painful for the target, as they feel their body being ripped to bits and burned into energy before losing their consciousness. Once the transformation is completed, the egg hatched into a million birds carrying energy generated from the target. These birds make their way to Satsuki, where they are consumed by her body. Literally, this technique is defined as Satsuki devouring her opponent until there’s nothing left. It consumes a large amount of Satsuki’s biological energy; however, it has no harmful effect on her body as the energy loss is offset against the amount gained from consuming her opponent.

The process of “eating” someone is not as simple as it seems. To consume that amount of energy within a short period of time, her body will be strained to the point that she feels like being ripped apart. After turning into quantum information, all those thoughts, feelings and memories will be scattered throughout the space as the egg-shaped barrier bursts. These information will take a huge toll on Satsuki's mind. They will be sent directly to every brain cell of hers, forcing her to experience everything her target when through. All the pain, the suffering, the grudge will point their blade at her throat. They can appear in several forms, from visual and auditory hallucinations, to even psychosomatic illusions that can inflict real damage on her body. Satsuki has to take it all in during the energy consumption, but fortunately they will quickly fade away after she finishes. It is also noted that Satsuki has not reached the utmost level of this technique, so a stronger opponent may be able to break free from the spell and destroy her internal organs.

Looking back on the fight against Lavender, Satsuki said that the process reminded her of how people make foie gras, as it was similar to force feeding a goose. The energy amount along with the horrible smell of human fat and blood upset her stomach to the point that she felt like throwing up her guts, yet she has to endure it until the very end.


There has been controversy regarding The star of Salvation as well as the alchemist techniques associated with it. The alchemist community has a theory that Satsuki may be descended from an ancient siren clan. This theory is supported by many evidence such as:

  • Satsuki is an orphan and there is absolutely no record of her parents’ identity.
  • The techniques acquired by Satsuki are named after birds and deployed in the form of bird cages, or egg-shaped barriers.
  • Its forbidden technique Sky Burial involves cannibalism, which is relatable as the sirens are known to capture and eat humans
  • Satsuki is known to have a big appetite that is very unusual for humans.
Nevertheless, there is no official confirmation whether Satsuki is actually a siren and even her writers deny ever having any connection with mythical creatures.


fragments of the past

Not much is known about Satsuki's past except for the fact that she was raised in an orphanage since birth. When the national library established its Niigata campus, the orphanage sent Satsuki along with other teenage children to do volunteer work on the library's opening day. Satsuki's alchemist ability was discovered when a bookcase fell down on two children. As Satsuki threw herself in to cover for the kids, she accidentally created a bird cage that prevented the bookcase from crushing them. The chief librarian, upon seeing that Satsuki has the potential of being an alchemist, offered to make her the trainee librarian of Niigata library.

before the battle

As a librarian, Satsuki created and monitored the bird cage barrier that protects the Niigata library. One day she was severely ill and the illness weakened the barrier. This allowed a swarm of taints to invade the library, which had only a few low-level writers along with Satsuki who was bed-ridden.

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Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.

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Nullam scelerisque sem neque, id luctus odio vehicula quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum diam elit, tristique sit amet orci nec, hendrerit dictum neque. Phasellus faucibus eu ipsum a faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quam urna, faucibus egestas ante et, scelerisque euismod odio. Mauris quis augue vitae lorem semper laoreet.