


4 years, 5 months ago



DoB  12/15 
Quirk  Crystal Armour 

 Sato, Akiko 

Body Of Water

  He who lives by the crystal ball will eat shattered glass  


Akiko was only seven y/o when she had discovered her quirk and thats when tragedy hit. At the age of three her birthparents had left her to rot in the streets then into an orphanage that later treated her differently from the other children. Aki's family was known for numerous crimes against the church and we're the ones that bombed many orphanages that the nuns often punish her for the smallest things like expressing herself through art, collecting mineral rocks and crystals and being tricked eating sweets when offered. one of these days on her seventh birthday Aki had cried herself to sleep and slowly consuming herself inside a chrysalis cocoon armor awakening a blind rage. she had chased,ripped apart and crystallized many of the people living in the orphanage leaving no one alive, even the children weren't saved from her wraith. After a while her cocoon armor shattered and softly collapsing into someones arms. this person was waiting for Akikos awakening and will be an important role model in her life for now on.


Aki is able to cover any part of her body with a Crystal-like armor that she creates from her tears or saliva but she tends to only use it on her arms and hands to make claws like weapons. Her body has full control of where it will stay and go with years of practuce but unfortunely anyone that has come contact with her tears or saliva will be small crystallized from the head down. How does this work? They come into contact with oxyen than it hardens. The crystal-armor itself is hard as diamonds, sharp as knives and is somewhat transparent even blinding when light is refelcting off of it. Although the armor she creates is incredibly strong/sharp, it only lasts around 30 minutes until it is slowly melted and absorbed back into her body making her body shutdown into a sleep.

 Adoptive Father 