Pénélope Delacour



4 years, 6 months ago


i made this to upload salad's shitpost comic it's funny

Pénélope Delacour | Female, she/her | 18
Height: 5’8” ft | 176 cm
Likes: Astronomy, the concept of angels, science (more specifically, physics and chemistry), berries, white chocolate, crystal geodes, the beach
Dislikes: Religion, fire, any sort of violence, waiting for people, moths, people who roll their eyes
Public Bio:
Pénélope Delacour is one of France’s youngest astrophysicists and best known for her theories on the evolution of the solar system and the formation of galaxies. Although ambitious, Pénélope is highly respected in France’s space program as an intelligent young woman who never seems to give up on what she believes in. Her early theoretical work in astronomy helped establish an origin story for the space we live in, and as well a solid theory how galaxies have formed, and how many there might be in beyond the space the world knows now. Her ideas have contributed and helped space travel as well, being apart of the project that allowed humans to travel to space easier. She is heard to be currently working on how to make space travel less expensive, and more available to the general public.
Pénélope currently works for the Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France’s government space agency. She lives in Orléans, France with her mother and younger sister.