La Dulcamara ♂



zebra name: La Dulcamara \\ meaning " nightshade " in Spanish \\ " Stand By Me "
age: 3 years | 8 months \\ Birthday on January 05


He awoke with a start, heart racing as his ears swivelled around from side to side, assessing the situation he had at hand.

The young foal's neck craned around frantically, wanting to ensure that the frightening beings with oddly-shaped sticks weren't in his line of sight. He had folded himself in the bushes, quaking slightly as he wished for his herd to come find him and bring him back out to the pastures where they had been grazing just moments ago when the panic began in a split second. He was young, and fairly new to the world, and yet his instincts had already told him to flee alongside the herd when the strange creatures showed up.

They were near him, he could tell. He cowered in fear and folded his ears back, hoping that if he made himself feel small and invisible enough, he would disappear and avoid being discovered. Unfortunately, the lengthy appendage of a tail he had on his behind poked out from his hiding spot, alerting those who were hunting him down of his presence and location.

Yes, they were hunters. They didn't need to look like the lions prowling around his home, or even act like the massive crocodiles that bided in the bigger watering holes- it was clear to them that they were predators, and he was their pray. He hadn't even had two years of life, and yet it seemed to be flashing before his eyes.

ssss Thunk
A small but sharp source of pain made itself known at the base of his croup, and he stiffened, made a move to stand and prepared to run. " It's bitten me ! It's bitten me ! " Loud repetitive thoughts raced through his mind as he picked himself up from the ground, feeling more tired than he should have felt. After all, he should be alert and fully awake, shouldn't he ? His hooves scraped against the grass-covered earth which should have propelled him a good distance forward, and yet, it seemed more like he was simply pawing at the ground.

Like fruit that he watched fall from a baobab tree earlier that day, he staggered and watched the world blur around him. He met the ground with a soft ' thud ' and felt himself relax, strange as it might've been to do so in the situation. One of the beings walked up to him and crouched down, meeting his deep purple eyes as it loomed over him.

This was a man, the greatest predator of all.
The realization dawned on him, and he let himself drift into the unconscious and the unknown, thinking it would be the last time he would be able to dream of anything. But before the blackness fully swept him away, a deep sound emerged from the man's mouth. " Whew, thankfully we got to this herd before any poachers did. " It reached out with a furless limb to stroke the bridge of his snout.

" Don't worry, pal. You're safe now. The reserve will be just the place for you- "



Afraid to open his eyes, the young stallion kept still as the sound reached his ears.
Was he back where he'd been before he fell victim to slumber ? Hiding from the predator he recognized as man and only falling victim to the same fate he'd suffered then ? Would he feel the sharp nick that sent him tumbling down into the depths of insensibility as it had earlier ?
Was he destined to relive the events over and over again ?


A new sound.
One that seemed familiar and yet foreign. Like the gentle breathing heard from his herd when he stood side by side with them, but with a quicker pace. As if the source of the sound was scenting him.

Finally, he allowed his eyes to open, only to be met by a curious creature. With tall ears and a coat of striped fur- he would have mistaken it for one of his own, had it not been for the flashing fangs that he couldn't help but notice. This was, in fact, another predator. What was it doing ? Why had it not sunk its teeth into him when it had the chance ? It seemed to be studying him as he returned the same inquisitive glances at it. It sat on its haunches and bowed its head, and with a brief understanding, he bowed his own. Curious indeed.

He started to stand, although a little wobbly, but he managed to right himself and take in the new environment. It looked... A lot like home. But he knew for certain that he was in a different place now. The supposedly harmless predator began pacing away, as if its only duty was to check up on him. Confused as he was, he started after it, but halted when he heard a recognizable noise in the distance.

The sound of braying attracted his attention, and he made a move to search for origin of the resonance. There were others ! Just like him ! They were here !

He started at an amble and eventually reached a galloping speed. The excitement of seeing another zebra like him was great, and he greeted them with a sharp snort. The others looked up from their feeding session and assessed him before returning to graze on the grass they stood on. He tossed his head joyfully and joined the herd in their grazing.

Although it wasn't the home he knew of before, it was a place he felt like he would belong in.
He sent a silent message of gratitude to the wind for enabling him to carry on with his life.

The young stallion knew he was safe, and would be happy now.