550ME's Bulletins


Posted 4 years, 27 days ago by 550ME

Browser Window Commission for Mannequin : IN PROGRESS

Anthro for Kolo: NOT STARTED YET


How to find TH character IDs

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by 550ME

I know i had trouble finding out where my character ID was, so i did a short tutorial on it just for the fun of it! Often with my requests i want to know a character's ID before i start drawing, and some people have had trouble finding it, so here we are!

First, open the character who's code you need, you can use characters that belong to you or someone else! right after the / and before the .*character name* theres a series of numbers, which is the character's individual ID, just for them! You can copy and paste this wherever it's needed.


Another problem i found was in uploading characters to images and art i post! When you choose to upload an image there's a sidebar that says Characters, when you choose to add characters theres a popup with multiple options, the easiest way i've found is just entering their ID, and they immediately pop up! That's it!