😺Ollie😺 (palleth "canon" AU)


Basic Info






Lives on Palleth with my grems! (HOW did they get on Palleth?? idk, CCCat god shenanigans probably) Discovered in the house of a cat hoarder who had passed away, the rescuers who initially found him thought he was just a horribly mutated cat and so decided it best to put him down. After two subsequent failed euthanization attempts they called up a local pet shop owner and wildlife enthusiast (Scotty, yes the grem npc) complaining that "IT WON'T DIE IT JUST GETS ANGRIER HOLY SHIT SEND HELP". Scotty managed to calm the creature down and after a week of observation called up one of her friends, Churchill, to see if he was interested in fostering him. 

Originally, Ollie acted exactly like a cat, however the more time he spends around people the more mannerisms he picks up from them. Seems to get a kick out of mimicking others as closely as possible; most of his housemates find this behavior endearing and enjoy teaching him new things. 

Partners in crime with Beez, and by crime I mean knocking things off counters to watch them break and eating bugs.

upbeat, outgoing, curious, impulsive