😺Ollie😺 (backstory (partial WIP))


Basic Info


complete but subject to future edits


As a wormling he wound up in palleth by freak accident after stumbling upon a lone portal. the portal led to, for whatever reason, an unkempt suburban alleyway overrun by feral cats. one cat in particular found the strange creature interesting and picked it up, Wormling Ollie (WO) luckily managed to tighten his grip on his eye before being snatched up. the cat took him into a home through a cat door, the place was a mess,  everything was filthy and the stench of waste and death filled the air. his captor ducked into a cabinet where it had built a kind of nest for its kittens. there were three, however one of them was still, the mother cat dropped the wormling in a small nook that it used to collect interesting things it found and layed itself down next to its hungry kittens. two of them began suckling but the third remained completely still, WO realized it had passed. the mother continued treating it as if it were still alive however, and nudged it closer to her body, clearly distressed by the lack of response, and began licking it clean as the other two fed and eventually all three fell asleep. seeing the care the mother cat had for this kitten made ollie decide then and there that it would be his host

the next time the mother left WO slithered over to the deceased kitten and began the process of turning it into his new host body, making sure to keep the markings relatively similar. when the mother cat returned ollie had finished forming. initially she was aggressive, believing he was a strange tom cat who came to kill her kittens, only calming down when she realized this strange creature resembled, but more importantly smelled like, her passed kitten. she immediately took him under her wing and accepted him as one of her own (and technically he was, in a weird roundabout way). he helped out by guarding his siblings while the mother was hunting, and even did some hunting himself; while his large gangly body would put him at a disadvantage, his ability to vividly see prey even amongst the densest of foliage more than made up for that shortcoming.

a couple months go by and the creator of the original portal figures out that said portal had been used by someone other than themself and recreates it to bring back whoever it was that went through (presumably a fellow wormkin of some sort going by the minute amounts of magic residue still left). finds ollie, who luckily hadn't traveled far from the exit and so was easy to track via their crowns. being approached by the creature was a very confusing experience for ollie; he had never in his short life seen anything like it but it nonetheless felt familiar and, more than that, like kin. it was as if some forgotten part of himself was reawakened suddenly and he instantly knew that while he had been living among cats, he wasnt truly one of them. the creature spoke without making a sound, telling him it was 'time to go back'. ollie resisted, refusing to leave his adopted family behind, and only agreed once the creature (that he now somehow knew was a thing called a 'cccat' just like he was) gave in and allowed them to come with him, promising him that theyd be much happier and safer where they were going.

 ollie, upon reentering skire, has his hive connection essentially 'rebooted' and feels more comfortable with his sapience (he was a little out of sorts for awhile since the way he got his host made him especially emotionally attached, but he could tell something was very different between him and the actual cats around him). swears to care for his family and make a good home for them to make up for the hoarder house they had spent the past year+ living in. for just a bit they all live in a fever, uto alleyway set next to an internet cafe. ollie becomes enamored with computers and the internet and quickly builds up an encyclopedic understanding of online culture and programming. finds Andy's stream and offers to help him improve his amateur setup. andy accepts and, after much convincing on Ollie's part, allows his cat family to live with them too.