Princess Peach



4 years, 5 months ago


To be upgraded to a complete character

- A cat or a feline of some sorts

- Someone related deeply to all kinds of love. Someone who's romantic, enfatuated, finds deep meanings on everything around them, but also is goung through a journey to learn how to love themselves.

- Likes to keep journals, loves to wake up early so they can go to the nearest bakery and have a nice breakfast

- Also goes through shitty mornings when they can't get out of bed and face life, specially after having a rough night

- Sets expectations too high for the others around them, always tries to be nice, gets disappointed often

- A dreamer, a lover

- Someone who would make you smile easily and want to go out more often

- They're very emotional and cry easily

- Moved to a new city all by themselves, living as a lonely adult for the first time in their life. They feel like the world is scary and wide, but also interesting.

- Also deeply related to erotic love, seems to make out with a lot of people, but doesn't get attached to any of them. They like to satisfy their desires, act really taunting and overly sexual at times