Jayden McKnight



4 years, 6 months ago


✦ Basics

NameJayden McKnight (Jay)
EthnicityWhite, Egyptian, Native American
OccupationPorn Cameraman
SexualityPolysexual (80/20)
✦ About

Was Anvaksta's roommate before she left time-zones. Shared a 2 bedroom apartment and Anvaksta was his best friend. He works at BangBros as a cameraman and likes to spend his break time flirting with all of the actors before his boss shoos him away. After work he always gets his special drink at Caribou Coffee and spends the rest of the night working on his school work (since hes in college online) either at home or the library. If he managed to perk any actors's interest at work then he spends the night at their place, if not then he goes home and catches up with his roommate.

✦ Appearance

Jayden has light brown skin that compliments his green eyes that has bright blue sparkles and an adorable tooth gap. He has a sort of quiff haircut that is constantly changing colors, his natural color is brown though and he has curly thick hair. He has a small septum piercing and 00g gauges, constantly changing the jewelry to match his outfit of the day. His outfits can range anywhere from "cute and innocent" to "Mr. Steal-Your-Girl" to "I'm a couch potato, feed me". 

Look alike, sorta, not really, but close enough

✦ Likes
Checking out hotties
Filming anything and everything
Making friends everywhere
✦ Dislikes
His cock-blocking boss
Being flirted ON
✦ Details












✦ Backstory

Jayden McKnight was born as Jacklyn McDonald, he was born as a female and is the 2nd youngest child in the family. Growing up she wasnt properly taught about the LGBT community but was taught to despise anyone who was part of it. Like a normal christian family, they went to church every Sunday, sang the songs, had fellowship, then went home and resumed their not-so christian life. His mother spent most of her time "at work" and came home late most nights, usually smelling of smoke and liquor. Whenever his dad tried to confront her about it they'd end up in a huge fight that made Jayden go to his special spot in his closet and stay there until the yelling stopped, sometimes he'd sleep in there. Those nights after the fights, his father would stay up drinking and pass out on the kitchen table, no one would dare wake or move him until he got up himself. Jayden's father worked as a construction worker, hard-working and kind man, Jayden loved his father far more than his mother. When his father was home, he'd show him all the things he did in school and tell him all he learned. When Jayden's mom was home she'd tell him to go bother someone else and wouldnt give him the time of day.

Around his 13th birthday he realized he was different. He didnt like the things over girls did, and didnt like the games they played either. He fancied the way boys behaved and played far more and for this he got made fun of quite a bit. To try and make him feel better, his father bought him a football and taught him how to play. He even managed to become quarterback for his high school team, he helped win alot of games, his family was finally proud, especially his dad. Junior year a new guy transferred to the school and joined the team, on his first day he told everyone he was gay. Bullied would be an understatement, he went through hell, but although Jayden wanted to, he couldnt stick up for him. Before the year was up, he killed himself, Jayden always blamed himself for that. So he made a plan to come clean as soon as he could and have a scapegoat incase one was needed.

On his 18th birthday he was ready, he saved up enough money from his part time jobs for rent and food and was about to start living on his own. At the time he was just getting into college and looking for another job closer to his new apartment but he needed a way out, he wanted to finally be himself. He gathered all of his friends and family together and told them all at once. He was transgender and bisexual, they thought it was a joke at first then soon wished it was. Disowned, cut, off, shunned, they all left his life and blocked him from theirs. All of them, except his father. His father already knew, and although he was a bit disappointed, he would have been more disappointed in himself for disowning his son. Jayden's mom left home because she couldnt be around a "faggot" and took his brothers with her, only Jayden and his father was left.

Jayden stayed home and helped with the bills and food as much as he could while he went to school. He made a few new friends and acquaintances, alot of whom were involved in the LGBT community. They would come over and study and also teach Jayden and his father different LGBT slangs and terms they didnt know. Like how theres more out there than just gay, lesbian, and bi, Jayden learned he wasnt just bisexual but polysexual and nonbinary. 

As time went on, Jayden's father's health got worse and soon he wasnt able to work. They lost the house and had to move to a smaller apartment, loosing many memories along the way since the new place couldnt hold it all. A few months after the move and his father was on bed rest at the hospital, it was a matter of time till he passed. 3 months after arriving at the hospital his father passed, his friends helped put together a GoFundMe page and advertise it on campus helping gather just enough money for a glorious funeral.

After his grieving and getting rid of most of his father's belongings, Jayden wanted to move on. He decided to move to a larger apartment with Anvaksta, new scenery and new environment. Not soon after moving in he found a new higher paying job with reasonable benefits, life was looking bright.

✦ Trivia
● Special drink is a Milk Chocolate Campfire Cooler with chocolate chips blended in, double shot of espresso, and a shot of mint to give him that extra zing!
● *If you order the thing above^ call it Jayden's Java or McKnight's Mum Mum Juice*

profile html by Hukiolukio