


7 years, 7 months ago
Morgu puru


Vandarel was imported into the capital's sacred gardens at a young age, many generations ago when the city was still very new. The Melwyrm grew up with the city and around people, eventually coming to embrace human culture. Vandarel was especially fascinated by the more regal and masculine side of humanity, and thus took on a similar appearance over time.

While his primary role in the sanctuary is to keep the gardens flourishing, his self-appointed secondary role is relations with the guests. He will tell visitors about the history and stories relating to the city and its sanctuary, will help guide them around if they need it, and pretty much acts as a buffer between them and the guard, other authorities, and workers further within the location.

Vandarel is a bit dramatic and theatrical, tending to say and do everything with a flourish. Despite his over-the-top self presentation, though, he is actually fairly level headed and easygoing. It takes a lot to insult or anger him, and he prefers to see the good in things as opposed to focusing on the bad.

I wouldn't call him vain, but he does put great importance in how he presents himself and on fashion and styles he likes. It isn't that he's stuck-up or thinks especially high of himself, so much as he thinks that regal, manly look is really awesome and he wants to be like that, too. P much, he's a poser embracing the 'fake it 'til you make it' lifestyle /laughs

Side Notes;
His shoes are designed the way they are cuz he thinks boots look really cool, but being a Melwyrm he can't handle the bottoms of his feet being completely covered. (No one tell him how silly it looks.)

Vandarel was designed by Puru, while his outfit was designed by Saint!