


7 years, 9 months ago


"This is a custom leech for XxNeonFreakxX ! Luxury pets are a new class of leech monster and cannot be commissioned or made by the community the major physical difference between pets and luxury leech pets is that leech pets tend to be smaller in size, the normal oval shaped head has an unusual slope and that more often than not their tongue is sticking out

I will expand on luxury pets once my pal who inspired the concept finishes designing their leech aha" -Occultic __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Barbie is probably the most stock up and evil leech monster out there. She's a pink ball of pure hatred. She likes to hiss at everyone that pass by her or even looks at her. Barbie is not afraid to even size up a bigger opponent. In her case size doesn't matter. As hot headed as they'll ever come. On the other hand, she's the most faithful, loyal, and loving to only her owner (Cavity) Cavity will always boast about her little angel and she'll stare down to anyone who thinks otherwise.