Percival Wickes



4 years, 6 months ago


The Hollow-Eyed Archivist

Name Percival Wickes
Age 42
Pronouns He/Him
Race Human
Role Watcher


  • Warm drinks
  • Reading
  • Organization
  • Ferrets


  • Cold tea
  • Tight spaces
  • Walls
  • Unidentifiable noises

Studious . Sagacious . Mild-Mannered

Percival Wickes is a man of few words. He doesn't really like to talk if it isn't necessary. He runs a small bookstore that specializes in rare texts, many of them dealing with the occult. He has a borderline obsessive interest in the supernatural; he's an avid occult researcher, and has amassed a substantial amount of knowledge on everything from the conjuring of spirits to the nature of the Gods that live just beyond reality. It seems like he's searching for something, but it's unclear even to him what that something is. The thing is; when you look at something too closely, it starts to look back. It is incredibly clear that he's been through some serious shit. He has a missing brother that he never talks about, and some sort of horrific entity that lives in the walls of his apartment. The two are most definitely linked, but Percival has yet to figure out how. Has never been seen without his eyepatch, and anyone who asks about it is met with uncharacteristic hostility.

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