
The Outlaw

Name Lila O'Bazin
Called VOdKa
Age 19
Gender Female
Race Human
Role Outlaw - BountyHunter - Collector
Alignment Chaotic Evil

Lila, mostly known as VOdKa came from the heart of Russia. After the passing of both her parents she decided to get away from her past and move on to a new life. After months of riding on her Loyal white Arabian The Count she came across a small town named Valentine, and fell in love. She picked up the BountyHunter and Collector rank and decided to create some chaos. Despise being a BountyHunter herself, VOdKa is hunted each day for her horrible crimes. From killing innocent citizens to robbing shops blind. Having a great record of jail time, no one still has not been able to stop her living the life she always wanted.


  • Robbing
  • Horse Riding
  • Collecting
  • Her Golden Pistols


  • Alligators
  • The Law
  • Tumbleweed
  • O'Driscolls


VOdKa, a true outlaw by heart. Also known by, Lila, was born in the heart of Russia, Moskou. Both her parents were murdered by a gang attack while searching for some herbs. Lila was sitting at home taking care of the animals that were living on her parents farm. Lila found her parents herself after wondering why they were still not back. Lila found them both dismembered, her parents got treated with no respect. Gunshots in their heads and chest. Lila was heartbroken but it did not stop her. After mourning for weeks, she decided to move on to a better life, a life that she always wanted. A life on her own, just her, her horse The Count, a simple camp and all the freedom she could ask for.


After months of riding around going from town to town she cames across a small town full of friendly cowboys, Valentine. She decided to rest a bit in the hotel for a few days and slowely became more and more in love with the town. She started off by doing some townwork, helping with citizens horses, the injured and she worked part-time in the local saloon. One day, a fight broke down at the saloon. Nothing new since it happend almost everyday. However this time, a drunkard decided to let go his anger against Lila. Lila not knowing what to do since she has never fought before took hit after hit, getting beaten to the ground. The sheriff came in minutes later, what felt for hours. Heavily bleeding from her right cheek she could barely stand up and had to be taken to the nearest doctor.

The Beginning

Lila recovered fast. Left with 2 scars across her cheek and no fate into the town anymore. She was outraged that the sheriff did not come sooner and that she now was scarred for life. Out of anger she went to the local GunSmith, buying two golden Volcanic Pistols. Two guns that fitted perfectly in her hands. With these she decided to practice far away in the forest. Shooting animals and what not. She bought herself an outfit that would cover up most of her body and face, so that it was hard to see her scar. After months of practice she went on a journey for revenge. She searched down the one who began it all, the one who scarred her for life. Finding him and shooting him 6 times in the head, leaving him for his family to see. She rode back to Valentine, shooting up the whole town. Killing tens of innocent people. She hid in the woods for weeks before entering Strawberry, starting a new life there, picking up the BountyHunter rank. Together with her partner Lawieke they make sure to turn in every bounty they can find. But also create chaos themselves on the way.


Lila is still wanted for the deaths of many innocents. She is hard to find and no one ever knows where she is. She is fearless and would kill anything and anyone on her way. An outlaw with a happy triggerfinger.

Her Horse


The Count  White Arabian

The Count is Lila's most loyal partner. Raising him since he was a foal. They go through everything together. The Count makes sure that Lila gets to safety by every chase they are in. Even if they are mad at eachother at times (mostly because The Count is a bit clumsy and tripps alot over small rocks) they still love eachother and are the greatest friends someone could ever search for.