Heliodoro - Y467



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

First Magic:

Thermokinesis lvl 2 - Able to fully control ones own body temperature, now able to withstand extreme rises and drops with ease


ID#: Y467

Quirlicorns Name: Heliodoro

Nickname: Helio

Breed: Modern Quirlicorn
Gender: Stallion

Genos:  Ee Aa nCr LpLp SunSun

Color: Buttermilk Buckskin Semi Leopard Appaloosa Solstice with Double horn and Birdcatcher Spots
Age: 3

Region: All regions

Personality:  He has a very cool and calm demeanor most of the time, but a very short  temper. Many things irritate him very easily and it doesn't take much  for his temper to flare. It makes it hard for him to make friends, so it  typically stays on his own.

About: He recently met Menodora and Hesperia during the Winter Solstice of 2020. He likes Menodora for her attitude and ability to lay things out the way they are. He is not overly fond of Hesperia's insistence on singing all the time forerver. They ran into Baelfire's herd in the Windy region during the Spring 2021 Equinox. They helped dry up the windy region, but will be on their own way soon. He's just tagging along with them for now, who know where things will lead.

Link to Import: Quirlicorn Import Y467

Blood lines:

------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown


 = ready to use

 = not ready to use

Breeding Status: Breedable (Import)

Slots: trade/art

Breeding Slots:
1. @Aedrielle || 1766
2. @DozingBear - ready to use

Chime Checks:
Level 20
Level 40