Tree of 40 Fruit



Tree of 40 Fruit

ancient 🌹 he/she alternating 🌷 wip species by Sunny

  • smells like pot pourri, pink roses, and moth balls
  • body is smooth, velvety, and cool to the touch
  • mane and tail tuft are the only fur on body! The rest is skin
  • bottom feet are like sphynx cat paws
  • head is bone-like, hands are thin-fingered

Tree of 40 Fruit is strange creature called a (???). Maybe she's magic; who knows? She lives in a seemingly abandoned mansion, tending to roses and orchard trees. He has a strange connection to one particular tree; a massive, very strange tree in the center of the property growing 40 different kinds of fruits (all belonging to the Rosaceae family; peaches, plums, pears, apples, strawberries, and more). While the property is abandoned, 40 upkeeps it and makes sure it doesn't rot; no one seems to dare explore. The mansion has many strange items, like antiques, including porcelain figures, and a hidden armory with relics.

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