Dusty Bixbite



4 years, 5 months ago


Dusty Bixbite



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 1





MoHs Scale

7.5 - 8


Got via Trade

Dusty Bixbite is a multifaceted gem of the Sunrise Court. Sometimes acting is an envoy, sometimes a judge and sometimes whatever else is needed of her. The reason her jobs are so vast is because she is a general diplomat of the Court and Empire. Bixbites are known for their skills in public speaking and negotiation among other things, making her a prime candidate to fill the role of a diplomat. She works alongside many gems in her day today from the Sunstone of the Sunrise Court to other envoys. Her part-time role as a judge is not a role that she gets to feel very often as her Diamond makes sure that she can attend every single trial. However the diamonds are very busy so some gem has to fill in as the judge when her Diamond can't make it. Overall, she is very loved by the empire for her kindness and willingness to listen to Elites or even pearls. She has a small court of a guard and a pearl even though she could have something much more vast. She finds that greed and pride and ego won't help an elite in the Empire so she likes to keep things to a minimum. She is a very fair and wise gem who knows how to perform her job and could likely learn other skills if necessary.

Come along, we have much to discuss.

- Dusty Bixbite

The Sunrise Court


  • Working alongside so many gems in the Empire, she had made many friends but also many enemies.
  • She has a deep dislike for defects, refusing to work with them. Normally in these cases another diplomat will have to handle the talks.
  • Her earrings are interchangeable, she makes it a habit of matching their color to the color of the gem she is going to be meeting with.
  • Bixbite’s personal pearl hasn’t been seen for an era, so she is starting to wonder if something happened…