
Base Price: $15


When Offering look here first: 

- Do Not Offer Designs with less amount worth. Just bad quality overall.

- DO NOT comment "Something in my TH." Please understand that I do not like having to search threw layers of   Folders to find characters. If you have characters to offer please link   them along with your offer. If it's a small folder with Ocs then I'll   look.
(Failure to Understand this given rule will result in getting your offer ignored. Please read carefully.)

- Do Not offer Art offers in bulk. I rather avoid you burning yourself out.
(I've had too many experiences with people offering me tons of art. Only to burn themselves out of motivation) 

- Once you have Purchased the Adopt\Character. You are free to make edits on the design add accessories ect.

(Unless the character I have obtained by other creators say not to)