
4 years, 6 months ago


Charon is more of a quiet observer. Though he tends to just sit back and watch things unfold, he actually has a lot to say.  Charon tends to be more introverted, finding himself dwelling on his thoughts, and even getting a lost in them at times.

In his free time, he finds himself volunteering at the local daycare. He's quite fond of children, but his harsh expression can be a little daunting when interacting with them. His mellow demeanor helps him get along quite well as a more reserved caretaker.

Once he's comfortable around you, he tends to come alive more. He'll feel free to interject his thoughts, joke around, and open up more.

As for hobbies, he tends to use the magic he has to his benefit. He has a setup of plants strewn around his place, with several plants of climbing ivy even overtaking a bookshelf or two. Pretty much every room has at least a succulent or some flowering plant. If he lets himself, he can get too engulfed in things, finding himself just lost in his tasks.

Even if he seems aloof or distant, Charon is always reliable when it comes to being a support or just a companion for listening. He tries to find little ways to still communicate his appreciation for those around him, even if it's not always blatantly apparent.