Catherine Bloodwood



4 years, 5 months ago


CATHERINE ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵃᵏᵉ ʷⁱᵗᶜʰ


Name: Catherine Bloodwood Called: Cath - Witch - she/her
Age: 24 Gender: Female
Race: Human Compatibility: Earth
Role: Herbalist Status: Alive - Single
Orientation Asexual/Homoromantic Theme: 「If I could ride a bike」

― ❝You should pay more attention, dum bird.❞ ―









  • Plants/Flowers/Herbs
  • Tea
  • Chilly wind
  • Organization


  • Cats
  • Stink
  • Loud people
  • Smoke


Height: 172 cm Build: Slender
Eyes: Emerald green Skin tone: White but pale (a healthy one)
Hair style: Short at the back and very long and tied at the front with bangs covering her left eye by almost the chin. Hair color: Bright red
  • She doesn't have the left eye.
  • She has a scar on the left eye hidden by her bang.
  • Ela gosta de colocar as flores e plantas que encontra/colhe e colocar no seu chapéu e nos bolsos
  • Ela colocou ramos de roseira em ceu chapéu, porém sobraram apenas espinhos.
  • Ela usa seu óculos redondo quase o tempo todo, menos quando vai para a cidade.
  • O óculos dela possui uma rachadura na lente esquerda e a armação cobre até um pouco mais da metade da altura da lente, cobrindo de baixo para cima do lado direito e de cima para baixo no esquerdo.
  • [...]









「Healing Roots」


She create a nice and warm place protected by everything that is out of the area of maximum of 3m. She can decide where to place it, but the much bigger she do it more energy will consume. In this area a big variety of plants will grow in some seconds and who his in the ground will have minor injuries healed. [coming soon...]



Create a little ball of a warm light. [coming soon...]



She can manipulate the ground around her creating pillars/walls or slits on the ground. It consumes a lot of energy so she can only do it one time per day depending on her health at the moment. [coming soon...]



Create a earthquake in a area of 100m around her. It is the powerful spell she can make just with her locket, but in return consumes a lot of her energy and she have to sleep for 7 days to totally recover herself.



She is very reserved and introvert the most of time. Some people thinks she is just shy or something, but that is not true, she is very straightforward about what she thinks, but depends of with who she is talking. When the person is someone who she doesn't care about or an enemy she is very secretive and talk less a possible, but when it is a person who she likes she can be very sarcastic and mean sometimes when she is just trying to annoy make jokes with the person saying everything that pops out her mind. When is someone who she respect, she is very respectful and polite. After all she stil a very kind and a regardful person.

[ . . . ]


Dentro da província de ///////, a família Bloodwood costumava ser a mais influente e poderosa. Apesar disso, os Bloodwood eram principalmente conhecidos como magos amaldiçoados pela população, pois possuiam cabelos da cor do sangue, assim como os da Bruxa da Morte, considerada responsável pela tragédia dos 13, Lucy. Catherine nasceu e desde muito pequena foi tratada como um prodígio pela comunidade de magos. Ela possuia uma habilidade extremamente rara. Cath não precisa carregar um catalisador, popularmente chamado de engine, para usar feitiços dos mais simples até mesmo com os mais poderosos, algo que a grande maioria dos maiores magos do reino não possuem. Isso se deve ao fato que seu olho direito era o próprio catalisador, ou seja, o objeto que é supostamente necessário e obrigatório para que alguém seja capaz de usar feitiços reside naturalmente em seu corpo, o que a proporcionou uma quantidade de energia usada para invocar feitiços e assim uma enorme vantagem em comparação ao resto dos magos, gerando grande inveja e cobiça pelo olho. Essa mesma inveja era de seu irmão mais novo, Viktor, que não nasceu com o mesmo privilégio e acabava sendo deixado de lado constantemente. Esse sentimento começou a acumular e gerar íra no garoto, que um dia foi persuadido por um homem misterioso a ajudar um grupo de magos a realizar um atentado contra a própria família, o que foi concluído com sucesso. Em resultado, o homem de cabelos brancos que influênciou Viktor também o encorajou a roubar o olho de sua irmã, e assim o fez. Seus pais e todos os empregados da casa acabaram mortos, porém após arrancarem seu olho, desviaram a atenção e Catherine conseguiu fugir para uma floresta que era proibida de entrar por seus pais. Lá encontrou Nezumi, que a ajudou e acolheu.

Desde então ela foi considerada morta e, aos 15 anos, abriu um pequeno empreendimento para vender seus medicamentos naturais para moradores ao redor e de uma cidade próxima, onde fez uma parceria com uma garota, Millet, que era filha dos proprietários de uma padaria na cidade, para vender seus produtos lá e, assim acabou se aproximando e aprendendo a cozinhar diversas coisas juntas. Ela ficou muito feliz na época, pois era sua primeira amiga. O tempo passou e Catherine conquistou alguns clientes fixos, conseguindo uma fonte de renda estável para manter ela e Nezumi vivendo consideravelmente bem, porém, ela acabou se afastando aos poucos de Millet, já que a mesma era um pouco mais velha e teve que logo herdar o estabelecimento, ficando constantemente oculpada com aprender a lidar com toda a logistica do lugar. Após ter começado a morar na floresta com Nezumi, caçadores, viajantes e entre outras pessoas, começaram a espalhar rumores sobre a bruxa estar morando no local, pois avistavam uma jovem com cabelos vermelhos e logo fugiam, o que começou a se espalhar rapidamente pela cidade mais próxima e atrair pessoas que supostamente desejavam matar/caçar a bruxa. A vida toda Catherine teve e sempre soube que teria que lidar com esse apelido, pois assim fez sua família que levou por tantas gerações os cabelos que tanto tem orgulho. Ela amava muito seus pais e até mesmo os avós que nunca chegou a conhecer, porque ela sabia e ainda sabe que eles a amam, sempre amaram, e apenas queriam seu bem.




[ Buddy/Best friend ]

‣❝Don't worry. I'll be fine...❞

Nezumi was her only friend in her childhood, because her parents doesn't allowed her to be friend of no one, so the only who was there so play and hear her problems was a light brown mouse. After the attack to her familly, she survived and ran to a forbidden florest, where she was desesperated cuz was lost, hungry, thirsthy and injuried, the night came and she really thought she would die there, but a boy of same age appeared with mouse ears and offered to help her if she accept to be his friend. She accept and the boy took her to a cottage falling apart. Since then they live together. Nezumi is very lazy what annoys Cath a lot. But both treasure each other a lot, since they are the only familly they had.


Dean Doyle

[ Friend ]

‣❝You can trust me if you want.❞

When Dean appeared in her house, she was really surprised and thinked he was really suspicious, since the only one who knew where Cath lives was Millet, so he said that Mil telled him to search for Catherine and then, when she discovered that her friend got caught, she accept to help him to rescue her. Since that Dean started to stay in the house and help her with her work. Slowly she started to know more about Dean and got affectionate with him, its like he was some kind of a little brother to her. Now she wants to help him more than everything, to forgot the past and move on to new things. Maybe she is also helping herself. She constantly tease him, cuz she think Dean's reactions are funny.


Viktor Bloodwood

[ Little Brother ]

‣❝I don't care, Viktor... I forgive you...❞

Because him hasn't born with a engine, he was considered very normal in everything and his old sister was the best in everything. He always was very jealous of Catherine, mostly because she was the center of all the attention in the house and he thought their father valued Cath more than him. Their mother always was trying to cheer him, but he didn't even cared about her. Catherine tried to talk more and play with her brother, but she was the most of time studying and praticing to cast spells cuz of the expectation of their father to make him the most powerful and influent Bloodwood who ever lived. She never had a decent time or oportunity to be with her brother, and regret this a lot. If she could she would do everything to fix what they done wrong in the past. Until the time they saw each other again, he still hated her.



[ Best Friend ]

‣❝ Mill... Why didn't you tell me? ❞

Millet is two years older than Cath. The first time they meet was because Millet's father was very sick, but he hate hospitals so, very reluctant, Cath offered help. She made a medicine that saved the girl's father and then Millet said she would do whatever Cath wanted in return. Cath asked to sell her medicines in the bakery, but Mil said that was nothing compared of what she did to her, so she asked if Catherine knew how to cook, she said no so Millet teached to her everything she knew. In the process they started to be very good friends, visiting each other etc. She discoverd about the past of Cath, but never cared a lot so she don't asked about that and even less about the witch rumors. When Millet was 18 she started to get really busy and the two didn't see or talked each other by a long time, Cath didn't heared nothing about her until the day that Dean knocked in her door.


  • She hate more than everything when someone see her scar.
  • She cooks a lot, especially with medicinal herbs\plants
  • The townsfolk think and call her witch.
  • She likes the color of her hair and is proud of it.
  • She don't trust someone very easily.
  • To play some pranks, she made a characteristic witch hat that she used to wear just to keep people hunting her head away, but she thought it was very stylish and wears it constantly.
  • She loves green tea the most.

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