


7 years, 8 months ago


>no longer a finnen, i have asked Armota to use the character, and species however I want as long as it is not referred to as a Finnen, thank u!!... ok profile time

>need to do clothing...later LOLOL

|Name| Adivan
|Nicknames| Adder
|Gender| Male (He/him)
|Age| likely late 20's

|Species| Vondrake??? idk its still pending
Adivan, like most, is best at magicks involving water, ie water manipulation. He holds great magical prowess, but sticks to physical combat instead. He has a great disinterest in magic, and finds it easily corruptable. -pending-

|Relationship Status| Single
Adivan would probably prefer a nice girl/guy of his own species, but due to some unforseeable events he's not exactly where he's meant to be. Obviously, Adivan prefers a set of hands over a set of paws, but it is relatively hard to catch his interest even with those sweet opposable thumbs. He's just abit dense when it comes to flirting, and when he does catch on, he's still not one to approach the subject, unless he just really, really likes the look of you. He's more about being chased after than chasing after others, and he'll easily admit to pulling you along with a cocky grin. -pending-

tbh im thinking of what world to put him in rn??? maybe w/ an appositi if I can get one, maybe with another of my characters.. Pls,,,ask me questions about him tho LOL