


4 years, 6 months ago



Name Yoko
Called Little Sheep
Age 17
Gender Female
Race stickman/sheep
Role Farmer
Alignment Neutral Good

A hybrid of grayish colors, average size at 1.60 meters. With beautiful features and large, bright green eyes, well-kept pink hooves. Soft fur that heals your sheep part, wrists and neck.


  • Gardering
  • Apple tea
  • Sleep
  • Rain with rainbow


  • Fight
  • Witchcraft themes
  • BloodWing
  • Ghosts


[Unkown. She doesn't like to talk about it].




She lives in the western depression, a rugged and almost lifeless geographical area, but strangely a village stands there, although barely, she takes every day she can to improve the village little by little with the help of some of those who also live there. Although she is friendly and has become friends with most of the villagers, there are some who like to tease Yoko for being a hybrid, or even play pranks on them that end up being almost lethal. Yoko tries her best to get better and become strong, but sometimes she just wants to fall to the ground and cry. She continues to make an effort thanks to Blue or "B", someone she can call her best friend, who protects her from her aggressors and teaches her to be more self-confident.



Blue [ Best friend ]

Subject 1 or 2 years older than her, single father but strong character, she loves that Blue even being young can face bigger or scarier subjects and he would still give them a good fight, SPECIALLY BloodWing. Sometimes she babysits Blue's son when he has to go to areas far from the village.


Hunter [ Friend ]

She almost sees him as a father figure if it wasn't for the fact that Hunter liked to ask her out on dates sometimes. Although lately they have distanced themselves over more important issues, both get along well, if something happens in the ambiguous gardens, Hunter notifies Yoko before anyone else and then will let her do what she needs to do.


BloodWing [ Bully ]

A demon who lived in the village before her, ever since they met and she showed fear, BloodWing has teased her, scared her and left traps around her house for his own amusement, sometimes Yoko can be relaxed and looking up there is him, smiling in a terrifying way to scare her to the point that she runs out of her house screaming and crying.

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