Omichron Yumeno



7 years, 7 months ago


    Omichron Yumeno . The Child of Deoxys

Name . Omichron Yumeno
Age . Seventeen
Gender . Neutral
Species . Deoxys Gijinka
Orientation . Homosexual
Birthdate . April 18th


• Her natural hair colour would have been blue, if not for Deoxys' possession
• She can switch between "modes," but the switch takes 30 seconds.
• She had been wearing the same dorky coat design since she was 11.
• When she's scared, she will spontaneously teleport to safety,
• She prefers Fire-Type Pokemon.


Chron was dealt a hard hand of cards from the moment of her birth. Born with frightening red eyes and psychic powers, the little girl's parents were quick to declare her a "handful." While searching for someone to help raise their daughter, they encountered a certain "Fated Project." The Facility that project ran was researching children like Chron--- These red eyed, superpowered "Sacred Children." So they paid her parents to let them keep Omichron.

Her parents were relieved not to have her.

For years, Omichron grew up in borderline abusive conditions. She learned that she needed to be strong and terrifying in order to keep adults from hurting her. Her firey temper and violent personality developed from necessity. Then, when she was about six years old, she met a young couple as they toured the Facility. Kuroneko Satou and Yumeno Shugo were barely ten years her senior, but they were the kindest people she knew. She latched on to them as the parents she did not have. Within a few years, the couple had adopted Chron and shut down that awful facility.

Chron began training Pokemon within a year of earning her freedom. She began to accidentally apply her own learned life strategies, pushing her team so they were on the borderline of terrified. But as Chron traveled more, her Pokemon helped her to respect her own humanity and how far she had fallen. Chron began to chill out. It helped more that Satou was teaching her martial arts and her father was teaching her calming hobbies like 'reading.'

By the time she was eleven, Chron had conquered the Hoenn Pokemon League.




relationship • song
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relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.


relationship • song
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eu ultrices mauris, vitae efficitur eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent gravida vestibulum venenatis. Vivamus semper justo ipsum, quis aliquet arcu gravida a. Pellentesque at ipsum efficitur, mattis ex eu, imperdiet metus. Sed facilisis lacus nec justo luctus accumsan. Ut feugiat arcu eget lacus viverra, vitae vulputate risus faucibus.