Naru's Comments

I'm trying for both of them! But would be fine with just one >< I would be fitting them into my genshin/dnd universe:

Name: Naru

Gender: Female

Vision: Pyro

Weapon: Sword

Affiliation: Traveler

Short Background: Naru has always been on the move. They say she's rather hot-headed and would rather fight than talk things out. Her childhood friend is Orion. They are polar opposite, Naru being outgoing and lacks the skill to think things out and Orion being level headed and quiet. She doesn't question why Orion doesn't seem to age, and why his views on the world are so dark. She hopes that with her around she can brighten things up for him! Naru's life dream is to travel the world, but she's also trying to discover the secrets of the world. She's fascinated by the lost artifacts and ruins, despite knowing little about them. She often worries Orion as she runs into these ruins without a care for any possible traps. It's a miracle she hasn't gotten seriously hurt yet. She often gets distracted by the little things and is easily excited by pretty much everything. Despite not being classically trained like her friend, she can get rather philosophical while staring off into the stars late at night. Another hobby of hers would be cooking. As much as she doesn't enjoy doing tasks that require her to concentrate, she loves food! She's collected every recipe that she's run into on her adventure and has perfected many of her own.