


4 years, 4 months ago


Original Cinder

Cheerful • Optimistic • Laidback

  • Name Cinder
  • Species Domestic Cat
  • Gender Demigirl - She/her
  • Orientation Questioning
  • Birthday May 12th
  • Occupation Adventurer
  • Theme

As the first sona I ever made, Cinder has been through both a lot and very little in her day. She's very simple, just a cat inspired by Pikachu and Plusle, but that doesn't make her any less meaningful. Over the years she has had minor design tweaks, her story omitted, and personality mellowed, but she remains mostly the same as her origins.
She's pretty straight forward, but minor design notes include:

  • Her design is symmetrical except for a small brown stripe on her left ear.
  • Her collar matches her eyes and she always wears it.
  • The charm has a C and backwards S on it, this detail is optional though.
  • She is almost always smiling and trying to be a beacon of positivity!


Being my first sona (and a very early character to boot) Cinder is an embodiment of [my] childhood. She's spunky, perky, fun-loving, and adventurous. She wants to be in the middle of the action, to mess around and have a good time, and laugh until she can't breathe. Staying up late, showing off to her friends, and just being close to others.
Thankfully, this old girl has finally mellowed out and learned to relax. She's still very much her old self, but she's learned to control her energy, act out where its appropriate, and be a proper shoulder where its needed. She's still a bit too full of herself, but she's matured into a fine young cat.


  • Created on February 14th, 2010. A little Valentine's Day bby.
  • She loves to read, write, draw, and create. Calls herself artistic and sticks to her guns, but she's not great with criticism.
  • She has an affinity for feathers and bubbles, usually making the former into an accessory of sorts.
  • She's suffered from depression and anxiety most her life, with depression being the stronger force.
  • She has spawned a subset of characters, known literally as her childern. Though they are not cannon/kinda cringe in retrospect I love all her little kiddos.
  • Additionally, I had to make similar designs for my friends at the time, and an entire guild worth of designs were born.