


8 years, 13 days ago


Makar is a Faunacus, a closed species created by myself [AcyFaust]

Makar is on the short side! Something that is unusual for bear faunacus and as such he is very senstive about his height. Where he lacks in height he makes up for in strength, often being able to out-lift the other bears. Also you wouldn't want to be picked or punched by the shorty. [Hahahaha -flees-] Makar hands down is one of the strongest Faunacus.

He highly enjoys food and when it gets colder out he wants nothing more than to sleep. Sometimes it beyond a chore to drag him out of his nest of blankets.

While he is short-tempered and at times a bit selfish, he does mean well. He might say the harshest of things but most of the time he speaks the truth. He is one of those people who isn't afraid to say what's on his mind and as a result he gets a bad wrap for it.

He is a part of a motorcycle act, one of the only things he claims he's good at.