Selene Fiske



4 years, 6 months ago


Left alone again, however, Arth turned his attention back to her, chin resting on the upturned palm of his hand, bored. “What’s your name?”


His brow knit in confusion. He’d just come up with that on the spot… Surely that was too coincidental to be true?

She blinked at him. “I like it.”

“You want to change your name?”

Her tired dark eyes shifted as she glanced away from him, looking out of place on a child's face. “Don’t have one.”

He hummed again, feeling oddly touched that she was a fan of that name. “Alright, Selene it is. My name is Arth,” He began, then scratched sheepishly at his cheek before continuing, “... I also picked it as a name I like.”



Name Selene Fiske Age 32
Nicknames N/A Birth Year 1303
Gender Female Pronouns She/Her
Place of Residence Lion's Arch Dragon's Watch Yes
Occupation Whispers Agent Race Awakened Human
Orientation Bisexual Partner N/A
Class Warrior Specialization Berserker


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Creator: Sunny
Created On: 2018-08-29
Status: Alive
In Game: Yes
In-Game Name: Selene Fiske



Selene doesn't remember much of her early childhood, only that she was a nameless orphan struggling to get by with the help of a destitute orphanage in the heart of old Lion's Arch. She had no memory of her parents or her home, and couldn't understand why she was brought up in this way. One day when she was six, she caught the attention of LA resident and Whispers agent, Arth, when attempting to steal a loaf of bread. When he followed, he found her cornered by Ministry soldiers attempting to take her with them. Posing as her father, he protected her, and decided to keep her in the care of the order and himself from then on while they researched her background.

Growing up under his tutelage and viewing him as a father figure, she took to Whispers work well in her teenage years, and got a permanent position as a Vigil plant when she turned 18. There, she worked under the norn Warmasster Maeve Vernerisey and honed her combat skills. With the formation of the Pact, Selene and Maeve joined with the Priory's Biijou and Connall, and later Krill was added as an external recruit. She had her first run in with the Commander at 24 during HoT shortly after the fleet crash, and joined Ospreii along with Warmaster Kestrel Dragonseer in place of the gravely wounded Maeve. Traveling with Ciaran as well, she took an immediate liking to the prickly courtier, and always treated him considerately. Afterwards, she was formally invited to Dragon's Watch and was reunited with Arth when he received a similar invitation for aiding the Commander during Scarlet's War.

The truth of her lineage came to light in the aftermath of Caudecus' War, when she learned she was the eldest abandoned child of White Mantle Myron and Liesel Laroux, with a younger brother and sister, Dorian and Adelasia. With little time to process this information, she took off with the guild to Elona to confront Balthazar, where she perished in the final battle against the Forged.

When she awoke next, she was not herself. In fact, she didn't even know who she was at all. Only that she must obey her Eternal Majesty, Palawa Joko. Deep down, she knew this was wrong, but without knowing why, she was only able to burn with a deep rage that suddenly manifested in the physical form of fire. She was a terror to the people that Joko used her against, a flaming valkyrie of the desert. When she came back to herself, she was straddled over her unconscious father, her own blade plunged into his chest. Panicked, she fled, but ended up in the Throne Room where an increasingly tense scene was playing out between Ciaran and two sylvari she recognized from the Palace grounds.

In the end, Arth was fine, and she began the road to recovery from what she'd endured in Gandara. It wasn't long until she witnessed Ciaran be branded, however, which was a major blow to her, as her crush had turned into fully realized feelings for the Champion. After the defeat of Kralkatorrik, and Ciaran returning to normal with the help of Aurene, they spent more time together, relating over their shared feelings of alienation with their new bodies. She stayed out of the war in the North, taking the time to recuperate, but came to Cantha with a revival of energy and excitement to see her father's homeland.


Selene is a positive, energetic force of nature. Whenever the team is feeling particularly down about bad circumstances, she is usually the first to offer words of encouragement to try and boost morale. She has also always been quick to rile and jump into battle, and therefore has been known to butt heads with other dominant personalities often, such as Maeve. For the sake of close friends, she'd throw down without a hesitation. For her, nothing beats good food and drinks and a merry evening with the people she wants to call family.


Arth Komatsu

Enigmatic man with a soft spot for unfortunate youth who took her in as a child.


Closest person to a mother figure she has. Arth's work partner


Insane slowburn that has yet to pay off. Mutually into each other without the courage to rock the boat

Dorian Laroux
Younger Brother

Has met him on a few occasions, but finds it difficult to bond with him as brother

Adelasia Laroux
Younger Sister

Bonds with her better as Addy is significantly younger, and currently lives much closer to Selene

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