


4 years, 6 months ago


Emotions brandished without warning, intervention stressed over pros and cons

Love glowing with ecstasy, winner takes all

The contradiction that knows the limit, the price of loving blindly

Let's go mad and destroy it all!

Stab a knife into the watchdogs right now, right before staring down reality... "Hit me"

Ah, this song just crawls along, belting out that feeling of hitting "21"

Casually discovered despair, inevitably realized hope

Perfectly tidied attrition, I'm alone again today

Eloquently conditioned to obedience, unchallenged arrogance begats sycophancy

I've lost everything

The ideal I pursued too far shreds me with a knife, right before the competition sinks me... "Hit me"

Ah, this is a song for the losers, crushed by the reality of "22"

Blackjack - YuuchaP


Name Aurelia Age 31
Nicknames Auri Birth Year 1304
Gender Female Pronouns She/Her
Place of Residence Lion's Arch Dragon's Watch Yes
Occupation Whispers Lightbringer Race Sylvari
Orientation Bisexual Polyamorus Partner Bluebell
Class Thief Specialization Deadeye


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Creator: Sunny
Created On: 2-18-2019
Status: Alive
In Game: Yes
In-Game Name: Aurelia Coriander



Aurelia was born from the Pale Tree with the other secondborne, and shortly after met Iliana. They both felt instantly that they were meant to be together from their respective Dreams, and faced the exciting adventure of life together. Aurelia, however, began to feel constricted by the idylic life of the Grove. With the asura threatening them, she wasn't content to sit around helplessly, and started to search for ways to become independent and self-reliant.

When she heard about the Order of Whispers in the North, it clicked so easily that it was also where she was meant to be in accordance to her Wyld Hunt. Leaving only a note to Iliana saying not to chase her, she departed from the Grove one early morning, and didn't return.

As the first sylvari requesting to join the Order, she faced some difficulty from some agents questioning the nature of the newly born sylvari. Her complete lack of any combat skills didn't help, either. A human agent, Arth, spoke up in defense of her, offering to take her into his tutelage and make a proper agent out of her.

To his surprise, she was incredibly fast and dedicated learner, and was coming along on official missions shortly after they started training. In spite of an accident on one of these early missions, where she was caught by bandits and injured badly, including the loss of her left eye, she was undeterred and climbed the ranks impressively. By 1309, just four years after starting, she was being considered for a Lightbringer position.

When faced with the seemingly imminent end of the world, she realized the work she was doing, while important, wasn't enough for her to have felt satisfied with her life up until that point. After the death of Kralkatorrik, she temporarily left the guild to search for Bluebell. Her search led her to the Mist War, and to an Iliana who had also grown into a very strong and self-sufficient woman. Deciding to start from the beginning, the two returned to Tyria and are still on hold from guild operations.


Aurelia is an eccentric and fickle woman, and often carries an arrogant demeanor. She doesn't attack for the sake of attacking. When she does, her strikes are true and deadly. A chronic workaholic, she doesn't have much of a social life, and as a result gives the impression that she's high strung and difficult to keep in one place.

When she deems it acceptable, however, she's good fun. A flirt and a tease, she treats her conversation party like a spider carefully circling, ready to pounce. Take care not to let her ensare you, because it's unlikely for her to stick around once she's had her fun.



Despite having left her to pursue her career and Wyld Hunt, Aurelia never stopped caring for her. They have since reconnected.


Mentor and coworker. Has had relations with him over the years, and is somewhat into him romantically. This has never been addressed.

Arth's Daughter

Has come to view her as something of her own daughter. Helped care for her in her childhood and is a trusted consultant now that she's an adult.

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