


4 years, 5 months ago


My soaring heart motion never stops resonating with yours!

I want to know more and more about this irrational program,

So please, spend more time with me, okay?

There's a bug called 'Love' in my hearts programming,

But I want my heart to be resonating with yours!

This is the singularity that you and I share,

Sorry to bother you, sorry to bother, but --

Please spend all your time with me!

Dance Robot Dance - Nayutan Seijin


Name Biijou Age 29
Nicknames Bii Birth Year 1306
Gender Female Pronouns She/Her
Place of Residence Kaineng Dragon's Watch Yes
Occupation Priory Guard Race Asura
Orientation Lesbian Partner Maeve Vernirisey
Class Revenant

Shiro/Canthan Heros

Specialization Vindicator


HTML by: KnightOfSpring
Creator: Sunny
Created On: 04-21-2019
Status: Alive
In Game: Yes
In-Game Name: Biijóu



Born as the youngest of four to well-known and respected alchemist parents, Biijou was the only child to be born seemingly healthy. At first, she was coddled and drowned in love for this, at the neglect of her older siblings, but as it became increasingly obviously as she grew that she was completely hopeless in academics and possessing a strange habit of talking to voices she claimed to hear in her head, it was withdrawn and she stopped receiving any parental affection.

When her older sister passed away from her illness, and her eldest brother was thrown out of the house, Biijou resorted to doing anything she could to stay within their good graces, and her relationship to her remaining brother grew rocky. After she had just barely graduated, she applied to the Priory to convince her parents that she was capable of scholarly work, but in reality she was hired as a soldier to escort and protect scholars during fieldwork and nothing more.

Fortunately, she made many friends in this line of work, and was able to work through her inferiority complex with the help of kind company, such as her good friend Myrick. When the orders were restructured with the formation of the Pact, she was put in a troop lead by Maeve Vernirisey. Her combat evolved with the discovery of revenants, and that the voice in her head was, in fact, Shiro Tagachi. Biijou and Maeve started dating after Orr and quietly got married shortly before traveling to the desert and joining the rest of the guild to help with Joko

This didn't go very well. Upon splitting up to investigate, Biijou, Krill and Eerie were overwhelmed by Inquest and taken to Rata Primus. She was separated and experimented on, ultimately rescued by her oldest brother Stauvv, who she hadn't seen since he was kicked out of home as a teenager. Performing an emergency amputation of her arm to undo the effects of the rejecting experiment as best he could, he hid her and the other two in a storage room where they locked in while the Awakened stormed the complex. There, she met two hybrid experiments he had brought from his last job, and instantly bonded with the younger one, Chimera.

Her and Maeve adopted Chimera as their daughter, and are currently residing in Cantha in Arth's new estate.


Despite, or perhaps in spite of, her turbulent childhood, Biijou is an absolute ray of sunshine to everybody around her. Incredibly attentive to the moods of her friends, she's quick to notice when someone is in need of a pick-me-up, and usually knows just how to help. Sometimes, this makes her come across as a mother hen, but it is always well-meaning.

She does have a hidden side full of all of her old insecurities, and struggles with anxiety and fears of letting people down. It is likely that her cheery demeanor is a way to compensate for this, so that she doesn't cause others to worry about her.


Maeve Vernirisey

Two soldiers with a long history and a single pair of arms between them, their quiet elopement was the talk of the pact for a good long while


A hybrid child of charr and asuran genetics that Biijou rescued and adopted from Rata Primus. Is very concerned about giving her a good life.

Eldest Brother

Hasn't seen Stauvv in years due to their family unjustly disowning him after the death of Nimme. They are currently working on reconnecting.

Older Brother

Relationship got complicated when it was just them. Wants to spend more time with him, but is worried about being a bother.

Older Sister

Older sister. Was very close with her until Nimme passed away in her childhood. Misses her dearly, and visits her grave every year.

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