


4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Wellington (Welly)









Masterlist Number

#13432 / #0397


Born from a test tube and sent out into the world on his own, Wellington as a child, was scooped up a middle-aged Bean bent on seeking revenge upon those who had ruined his life. This Bean tried to mold Wellington into a weapon, a tool by which the Bean could drive out the evil plaguing the ice-covered Northwest of Griffia. However, Wellington didn't really care about quests or evil or anything like that. All he liked was food.

Despite 10+ years of trying to convince the Caster to fight and train, the elder bagbean just could not motive this child to do his bidding. Where did he go wrong, he constantly wondered. In a fit of rage after an incensed argument, the Bean forced Wellington, then known as Orikr, to leave his home, never to return. The Caster, distraught, decided to flee to the only other place he had ever known - the fateful castle of ice.

There, he was shocked to find that the Queen he was "fated" to slay was actually pretty not evil at all! She had a great taste and love for the culinary arts, so that made her pretty cool in his book. Talith, impressed by Wellington's food knowledge, allowed him to apprentice the Castle's chef. Quickly, Wellington's skills surpassed the current chef's; his teacher was "let go" when the Queen found out that she preferred Wellington's style and finesse over his teacher's meals. From there, Wellington was able to branch out and become almost an associate of the Queen's; they enjoyed meals together often and conversed in length about the kingdom's well-being.

Around this same time, Wellington gained the confidence, through the encouragement of his staff, to start a food blog. While a little lost on the technology at first, quickly rose to Internet under the moniker of Wellington. Nummy Nibbets rose to such popularity that another food reporter, Luma, took notice and declared Wellington her personal rival. The Caster, however, could care less about such a declaration.

When rumors began that the young princess had ran away from home, Wellington began to wonder why? Why would such a person want to leave such a wonderful home? Curious, Wellington felt oddly compelled to investigate the missing child, and in doing so, brought up the past which he so desperately tried to forget....

+ Fiercely passionate (about food) - Lazy
+ Not judgmental of others- Rude
+ Humorous / Lightens the mood- Stubborn
+ Has strong convictions- Easily Frightened
+ Skilled chef and writer- Could care less about others (unless they like certain foods)