Adam the Mouse



7 years, 8 months ago


Name: Adam

Race: Mouse (Mobian)

Sex: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: Janurary 14th

Status: Coma

Fur Colour: White

Eye Colour: Green



Partner: Tybalt the Echidna

Affiliation: Freedom Fighters (Formally) 

Universe: Archie (Pre-Super Genesis Wave)

Alliance: Chaotic Neutral

Previous Residences: Knothole, Mobotropolis

Currently Residing: The Tommy Turtle Memorial Hospital (Spirit is tagging along with Tybalt) 


  • Eve (Twin sister)


  • Vio-La


  • Tybalt
  • Knuckles


  • His own mortality 


Likes: Eve | Vio-La | Sally | Fashion | Dressing up | Reading | Music | Staying up late | Knuckles being amusing | Dancing | Shopping | Chao  

Dislikes: Sleep | Being alone | Tybalt bossing him around | Eve's more boyish interests | Not getting to do what he wants 

Strengths: Clever | Manipulative | Capable of guilt-tripping | Can work well with others | Is physically strong as a spirit

Weaknesses: Prideful | Arrogant | Somewhat shy | Curious | Doesn't fully know his own strengths and weaknesses | Somewhat frail and clumsy 

Fears: The unknown, being alone, death 

Backstory: A boy who's sister was a member of the Resistance. Adam was usually seen with his sister, but was not fully considered a member himself. The few times where he had accompanied her on a mission, he had simply ended up as a burden to her and everyone else, and so he never bothered with fully joining. 

However, there came a day where he did accompany his sister once more. Though it started off well, the mission became too much for them, and Adam was knocked down into the machine which they were trying to destroy. While his sister did manage to save him, his injury had resulted in him falling into a deep sleep. 

Adam awoke in the hospital as a spirit. He was still connected to his body, so it was safe to assume that he wasn't dead, but he couldn't wake himself up no matter what he tried. All he could do was stand and watch as Mobians came and went. His sister visited him each and every day, and although she asked many questions and was willing to try whatever she could, nothing could help him. Eventually as the Freedom Fighters got more on their hands, she stopped having so much time to visit him, and he became lonely. He really... didn't want to die. If the living wasn't going to save him, then he would simply find his own way to wake up. Somehow.  

In his attempts for self-help, he began noticing more about his situation. For one, he could lift items from around the room, despite that they should be too heavy for a spirit to hold. He could lift a chair and throw it if he so chose. Second, he could go great distances away from his body. No longer was he confined to his room, he could go farther and father if he pushed enough. He could see his sister however often he pleased. The only thing that he couldn't do was speak to her. So how was he so strong, and yet he couldn't do the one thing that he wanted to do? There simply wasn't an answer for him. In the end, there truly was nothing that he could do. No amount of strength would ever let him live again. 

At least, that's what he had come to accept. Just when Adam had begun to give in, he was approached by an Echidna spirit. Tybalt revealed that he had been watching for some time, and that he was more than impressed by Adam's power; power that could only be channeled by a spirit who is only half dead. Tybalt told him that he knew of a way to reawaken his sleeping body. Tybalt told him that it would all be possible using the Master Emerald, which was guarded by Knuckles the Echidna. Tybalt told him that he would help him get there, for as long as Adam returned the favour. 

And Adam agreed with a second thought. 

What Tybalt wanted in return was a simple request. The guardian had a little spirit accompanying him; one who was cursed to accompany every guardian before and following him. Tybalt wanted to free her from such a cycle, and apparently Adam was the only one who could help him do so. Just how would he do that? It was hard to imagine him having so much power that he could destroy the power of another. However, if it meant waking up and seeing his sister again, then of course Adam would find a way. 

Fun Facts:

  • He is able to move from his body while still being connected to it.
  • Has a weak body, but a strong spirit. 
  • Was ill often, and spent much time in the hospital as a child. 
  • While awake, tires out quickly when doing anything physical. 


  • Agent Peacock 
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Giggling Villain
  • Jerkass
  • Smug Smiler
  • Camp Straight
  • White Hair, Black Heart
  • Poltergeist
  • Psychic Powers
  • Dragon with an Agenda
  • Dragon-In-Chief
  • From Nobody to Nightmare
  • Immortality Seeker
  • Successful Sibling Syndrome 
  • Sibling Yin-Yang 
  • You Should Have Died Instead
  • Lonely Together


Theme Song: 
Love Song: 
Battle Song: 


  • Speed: 7/10 (5/10 Awake)
  • Strength: 7/10 (4/10 Awake)
  • Fighting: 1/10
  • Firepower: 1/10
  • Stamina: 3/10
  • Intelligence: 6/10
  • Endurance: 3/10
  • Skill: 4/10
  • Courage: 7/10