


4 years, 5 months ago



Perky Coffee-Brewer

Admit it - if you worked in a coffee shop, you’d be drinking all the coffee and getting pretty hyper too.

Creme seems to have unlimited stores of pure energy from all the coffee Β he drinks. While these caffeinated beverages are meant to help a dragon Β who is having trouble staying awake get through the day, Creme was Β already hyper in the first place - why make him more hyper?

Wait - why are dragons drinking coffee in the first place?

Creme also has a photogenic memory - if a dragon comes in at a certain Β time every day and orders the same drink, no matter how complex the Β order, Creme will remember and often have the coffee ready before the Β customer even arrives. If they don’t come, then Creme drinks it himself.

Warning: Contact with this dragon can be dangerous. His hyperactivity means he lives practically on a different time-frame. You may be caught up in a conversation where you can’t even understand half the words flying out of his mouth and all you can say in response is β€˜yeah, Β uh-huh.’

Lore created by EgoLobster.