Basic Info

How old is Xander?

300 years old despite his appearance

How tall is Xander?

He is smol at 5 feet and 4 inches tall

Where was he born?

Xander no longer remembers this

"What's your favorite food Xander?"

"I haven't had to eat since becoming a cyborg. In fact if I do try to eat I throw it all right back up so I never eat anymore."

Did Xander ever have a human family?

Xander knows he did as he was born human but no longer remembers them either

What type of music is Xander's favorite?

The answer to that is alternative rock

Does Xander have any friends?

Not anymore. He used to have some fellow cyborg friends but after escaping from the lab where he was changed into a cyborg he hasn't seen any of them

Favorite animal?

Cats because of how cute they are

Who does Xander live with?

"I live with Alfred Rhodes. He saved my life and now I strive everyday to make him happy and to show him how thankful I am for him saving my life."


Alfred Rhodes is like Xander's father figure. They're very close despite not knowing each other for a long period of time. Alfred has shown sides of himself to Xander that he's either never shown to anyone else before or not in a very long time.