


4 years, 6 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Castiel
Gender Male
Age 31 Moons | 2 in cat years
Ethnicity N/A
Occupation Leader
Sexuality Bisexual
✦ About

A young kit, born to a rpgue and a kittypet. The father, a strong, large tom with scorching amber eyes, known as Ripper, while his mother was a soft, small, plump she-cat with a collar that said the name Pixie. He was the only one of his parent's first litter. He gladly took all the attention that he received from his mother, though his father never really bothered with him, seeing him not to his potential. Castiel always tried to get his father to pay attention to him, but his father shunned him away. His mother and father had an very bad argument that led to his father to leave, never coming back. Leaving him and his mother alone. She decided to take him back to her old twolegs folks. He was miserable living inside a den, hoping that one day his father would return so they could all live in the wild once more. As he grew to 5 moons, He was taken from his mother, given to another family of twolegs, he tried to fight back, trying to get to his mother but the twolegs were too strong. He was taken far from his mother and his home. He grew to hate his twolegs, planning his escape.

Finally the time came, the twolegs had left a window open. He jumped and ran, he could hear the twolegs calling for him but he never stopped, he just continued running, just trying to go back to where his mother was. Hours turned to days, and days turned to moons. His paws ached in pain, he couldn't go any further. He decided to stop and rest, as he was looking for food, he saw a group of mangy cats arguing and fighting. He watched, his eyes sparkled as he watched them rip clumps of fur of eachother. He neared once the other group ran off. The cats spotted them and were hostile but noticing he was barely an adult they took him under their wing. Castiel easily grew ranks in the group, with his size, he dominated many areas of the city. Leading them under him. One day he met a very strange she-cat, she went by the name of Skydancer, 'What a weird name..' He thought to himself. They both got to know eachother more, he grew very interested in what she wanted. He agreed to help

✦ Appearance

A abnormal large, male tom with dark black fur and brown under markings. His neck is all brown that goes down his belly. His eyes are a deep blue with a hint of darker blue. His pelt is covered with scars from previous battles.

✦ Being leader and cats listening to him
Skydancer and Stoneleap
Killing and battles
Intimidating cats to submission
✦ Not being listened too, being disobeyed
Losing battles
Annoying kits or apprentices
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

Same thing as above- A young kit, born to a rpgue and a kittypet. The father, a strong, large tom with scorching amber eyes, known as Ripper, while his mother was a soft, small, plump she-cat with a collar that said the name Pixie. He was the only one of his parent's first litter. He gladly took all the attention that he received from his mother, though his father never really bothered with him, seeing him not to his potential. Castiel always tried to get his father to pay attention to him, but his father shunned him away. His mother and father had an very bad argument that led to his father to leave, never coming back. Leaving him and his mother alone. She decided to take him back to her old twolegs folks. He was miserable living inside a den, hoping that one day his father would return so they could all live in the wild once more. As he grew to 5 moons, He was taken from his mother, given to another family of twolegs, he tried to fight back, trying to get to his mother but the twolegs were too strong. He was taken far from his mother and his home. He grew to hate his twolegs, planning his escape. her if he got to have land of these clans, and so the war started.

Finally the time came, the twolegs had left a window open. He jumped and ran, he could hear the twolegs calling for him but he never stopped, he just continued running, just trying to go back to where his mother was. Hours turned to days, and days turned to moons. His paws ached in pain, he couldn't go any further. He decided to stop and rest, as he was looking for food, he saw a group of mangy cats arguing and fighting. He watched, his eyes sparkled as he watched them rip clumps of fur of eachother. He neared once the other group ran off. The cats spotted them and were hostile but noticing he was barely an adult they took him under their wing. Castiel easily grew ranks in the group, with his size, he dominated many areas of the city. Leading them under him. One day he met a very strange she-cat, she went by the name of Skydancer, 'What a weird name..' He thought to himself. They both got to know eachother more, he grew very interested in what she wanted. He agreed to help

On his first night in the forest, he heard the horrid screams of a cat, it chilled him to the spine, he and Skydancer went to investigated and saw a hairless tom, the poor tom was trapped with a foxtrap stuck to his back leg. He wanted to leave him but Skydancer wanted him, so he agreed and freed the tom, he had to amputate the tom's leg to fully free him. Ever since, the tom had pledged his loyalty to Skydancer and Castiel. In hopes of repaying his debt.

✦ Relationships
Skydancer His mate, mother of his kits. Skydancer was the one who first recruited his help to kill and destroy the clans. He enjoys spending time with her, and listens to what she wants.
Stoneleap Close ally, has a crush on him. Though they do buttheads from time to time he still supports and will help him through anything. He does enjoy bothering him alot, teasing him about anything.
Soulcry His second close ally, he had saved Soulcry when he was trapped in a fox trap at the cost of Soulcry's leg. Though he doesn't show it. He does care about the tom, willing to throw himself in harms way to let him escape.
✦ Trivia
● When making Castiel, I was listening to Afraid by the Neighborhood and I got inspiration to base his personality on the song. I wanted to make his colors different, he originally was going to be a gray tabby but I chose agaisnt it and made him just black with brown.
● He is my third abnormal large cat character, first being Shredstar, Second being Onyxflame, and he is my third.
● He came from a family of kittypets. He is the only one of the litter but his mother had two more litters with another tom.
● He currently is the alpha male of the group of the Rogues. He is inlove with Skydancer because she is the first to give him kits but he secretly has a crush on another tom.

profile html by Hukiolukio