


4 years, 9 months ago


eunha, male [he/him], 19 y/o, bisexual

10'3 ( 312.42cm), 430lbs

thin build, muscular upper body.


> he has poor social skills and because of this has a hard time fulfilling his role

> he can be bitter at times due to his lack of confidence

> he is a perfectionist and often refuses to stop a project until it is perfect to his standards

> merfolk often assume him to be rude because he avoids unnecessary social situations

[likes]: interacting with (and occasionally kidnapping) humans, terrorizing sea birds, being called pet names, playing with random human items.

[dislikes]: other tribes, feisty humans, younger merfolk, being insulted or teased (including in playful situations).

- he has been known to hoard small sea creatures, his favorite being sea bunnies. he also hoards jars, rocks, human currency (coins mainly), cobalt, plates, and different kinds of quartz when he can get his hands on it.

- he is very fascinated by (and often romantically motivated by) humans and has gotten in trouble for kidnapping humans on multiple occasions, and is usually forced to return them and their items back where he found them, but he has a tendency to "buy" (steal), items off of them. he does always give them currency, but its not human money and therefore has no use to them. he doesn't do this to be malicious, he just genuinely doesn't understand that this is a problem and doesn't think he's causing them any harm. he has very little interest in finding a partner of the same species and tries very desperately to find a human suitor but given he doesn't understand or have the ability to speak any human language he has a hard time communicating this to them.

- he takes a lot of pride in his appearance and has been known to make his best attempts at replicating human makeup but usually does poorly. 

- he is not very intelligent to merfolk standards, but would seem god-like to a human.

- he spends a lot of time daydreaming and given his status it has made his family look quite ill to the other tribes of merfolk. he is loved by his own tribe but often ridiculed and looked down on by others which has caused him a lot of resentment towards outsiders. often to the point of lashing out and getting into fights with males from other tribes, due to his large size [avg. merfolk around 7-8 feet (231.36-243.84 cm) in length] he can be a bit overpowering.

- he has a hard time understanding his own strength and often hurts his own feelings breaking things.

- the gold which comes off of his body is bioluminescent due to the darkness of their specific location.

- he has a hard time understanding sarcasm and irony and has a tendency to take everything very literally and at face value.