
4 years, 6 months ago


Levi the A.W.D.

Mechanic / Tinkerer

Age: 22

Levi is a self-conscious tinkerer who never seems to give himself a break. He's either buried in a new project or finding new ways to improve previous work. The only other thing that brings him joy is seeing beautiful people. That being said, he's way too anxious to ever speak to any of them.


Levi doesn't typically engage in combat, preferring a supportive role. If it is absolutely necessary to fight, he will use his tools as weapons, normally a hammer or wrench.

He keeps his tools in a lockbox in his workshop, and carries around a multitool for any emergency repairs or spur of the moment ideas.


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Levi is a brown African Wild Dog. He has a dark brown muzzle and various markings around his face and body. His hair is styled in a loose mohawk, with a single darker streak at the front of his mane. His left eye is blue and his right eye is yellow. His ears are dark brown, have a dark tuft of fur inside the bottom, and go from a dark brown to a tan color on the inner layer.

His attire consists of a blue crop top, with a dark green vest, pants, and gloves. He has a few bags and pouches that he carries with him, and wears metallic knee and shoulder pads for any extra protection. His brown boots are laced up, and have a steel clip in the center of the laces. They are steel-toed with black soles and trim. He wears a pair of goggles with clear lenses around his neck, used mainly for testing any transportation methods he builds.

He has 3 piercings: 2 gauges on the bottom of his ears and 1 hoop on the upper part of his right ear. He also will ocassionally wear a helmet with a cover for his eyes. The cover is tinted and has an LCD screen built-in that displays various messages across its face. The text has a yellow to blue gradient.

  • Incredibly awkward and doesn't like small talk
  • Bisexual
  • Loves babbling about the things he builds
  • Has a thing for powerful people