


4 years, 5 months ago


 Juvel the Tricky Bat

Filler: Mock Orange flower, Rubies

Liquid/Domain: Night

Appendage: Bat Wings & Ears

Vial Shape: Wings & Bat Ears


This guy loves to stir up a little mischief. He’s very outgoing and can be a bit egotistical at times. He spends a lot of his time awake at night, wandering around, playing little “games” with any of those unfortunate enough to cross his path. While his games are usually harmless, watch out, his favorite thing is playing games where there's a gamble, so every time you play with this boy he'll find a way to win no matter the cost.

His fillers, rubies and mock orange petals, attributes to his love of trying to claim things that catch his eye, but also his playful nature. Whereas, his liquid, night, represents his nocturnal nature. He likes to adorn himself in gold and jewels and the like to show off what he takes a liking to but he also keeps a collection of things he’s won