


4 years, 5 months ago




"Calling him the Ringleader would be an understatement..."

Behind the curtains

An enigmatic creature whose origins and motives are vague and shrouded in mistery. With sugar-coated words and a voice smooth as honey, Alistair's presence and influence lurks down the deepest shadows of Rosa Porpora Circus, using the entire troupe and establishment as his dinner plate. Coated in a cloak of ambiguity and confusing morality, he holds the entire circus on the palm of his hand. Alistair's peculiarity comes from having to feed off of memories, and humans are the prime prey for that, with delicious, emotion-filled memories that are sure to give him satisfaction. Any who participate in a show of Rosa Porpora will never remember going there, as well as forget something of their life, something that they will never even notice forgetting, a memory lost to Alistair's maws as he indulges in chewing them up and gulping them down into oblivion. Despite his gentle approaches, he exhibits an iron, merciless fist with the members of the Circus, making sure that they all stay in line and keep doing their job in luring people in. Initially, there was fear. But now, many of them even do so with glee...

Name: Alistair

Species: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Height: 244 cm/8'3 ft

Voiceclaim: Thresh, League of Legends


The first thing that is clear to anyone who meets Alistair is that to trust him is a mistake. His presence instills a primal gut feeling in any reasonable human, a visceral scream that tells you not to trust him. But he has many a ways to lull you into his domain, with sweet words and soothing voice. Inexplicably, Alistair will always know what to say to get you to open up to him, offering your trust to him, as if this hooded creature could see deep into your soul despite his eyes being covered.

When not attempting to lure unsuspecting humans into his metaphorical jaws, Alistair seems almost... affable and even nice. Despite what he needs to do for survival, he finds humans fascinating, and wishes to know more about them, their customs and their lives, turning to the members of the Circus for endless questions. His curiosity and naivety of things that humans find nomral contrasts with how well he can manage to sweet-talk others, and the Circus members can sometimes catch him awkwardly misstepping during conversations out of innocent insensitivity.

Despite everything, however, Alistair is someone that is NOT to be taken lightly. His powers that burrows into the minds of others run deep and are vastly unknown still, and he has no qualms on using it on others if he deems it appropriate. He's surprisingly cranky and doesn't take well to being made fun off, being almost childish in his disproportionate retribution, and the members all know to thread carefully when interacting with him. With that in mind, Alistair clearly plays favorites: if you're one of such people, you can expect all the pros of his "love" without any of the cons. Nobody knows what it takes to get in his favors, but they definitely wish they knew...



Rosa Porpora Circus wasn't always the curtains that hide the sinister machination of an eldritch demon, no. Once, they were just a simple circus, run by the late Lorenzo Porpora. The oldest members of the troupe still remember how strangely it all happened: in the span of a day, Lorenzo was found dead, hanging from the ceiling of his room; a boy with snow white hair, the face of an angel and the eyes of a demon appeared, as if he'd always been there, a part of their family; and a strange atmosphere started spreading through the Circus, as everyone desperately looked for a new ringleader.

As it quickly turned out, the sudden infiltration of the white-haired boy was only the heralding of the coming of Alistair. The boy was his messenger, and his ridicolous, unbelievable words were quickly eaten up by the troupe members as Alistair rose from his shadow, asserting himself as their new boss; none of it was negotiable.

From then on, life in the Circus turned into a strange, macabre façade of a normal life for everyone, as they all had to get used to having a frightening monstrosity with the mind of a budding teenager as their God, while the actual teenager (if he was really one) that brought said God to them became just as weird of a presence, as he showed no small amount of control over Alistair's whims. One has to wonder who truly is the God in their relationship...

Many new additions came in the troupe, as it was natural, and all of them were to harshly understand the reality of the situation and get used to it, as there was no refusal. If you're so unlucky as to join Rosa Porpora Circus, you'll be doomed to be a loyal follower to Alistair.

May God have mercy on you.

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