


4 years, 6 months ago


Name : Nathalie

Nickname: Lie

Gender : Female

Age : 18 yo

-She is cheerful and very friendly. Makes friends kinda easily but also makes enemies easily. Likes to annoy others and make fun of them. Really stubborn girl and does what she wants and nobody can really stop her. She has a really good sense of humour and sometimes she jokes about serious things. Doesn't get that easily annoyed but can get angry. When Lie is angry she speaks her mind out without fear and can hurt others emotions with her words. True friend though and will always defend her friends. Escapes from her own problems and doesn't really know how to open up to others. Likes to hug others and to intrude others personal space without permission but hates everyone that tries to do the same to her. Supports LGBT+ community wholeheartedly and is part of it.

Hates: People who touches her, absolutely hates physical contact if she is not the one doing it. People who doesn't approve LGBT+ people. Seafood. 

Loves: Women. Annoying Diana. Ice cream. Anime. Running and high places.